
fair enough. When you put corporations and banks that got bailouts into the discussion vs just individuals like sam walton, warren buffett and other rich folks, I agree that is bull shit. I guess all I was trying to say is people have to try - and I see people all over the country that are not really truly trying

I didnt realize they were studying. Guess that blows my theory out of the water. You must have read a different article than I did.

Equality? That is a human right. Maybe I missing something? Are they really protesting a human right? Like societal equality? Right to vote, racial equality, womens rights? Thats on the same level as capital gains tax is too low and there are too many ways to preserve wealth?

Thoughtless? You are going to explain to me how wrong I am? Hate to break it to you but the system isn't "rigged". I don't understand why it is hard for the "poor" to make money. I was poor, very poor. I never was given a damn thing by sam walton or anyone else. I worked my ass off for decades in countless

IMHO: "move your ass or you will be pepper sprayed" should have followed with getting off said ass and going to do something productive. Maybe something like studying or writing a business plan or working - actually DOING something that would lead to you becoming part of the top 1% earners. One guarantee, sitting in

Yeah, who needs pilots anymore, lets let the lasers and cameras do it. Title fail.

Carriers pay $600 for an iPhone and then have to sell it for $200 immediately. Then, maybe, after 2 years of collecting the bills for service they make a profit on that phone sold 2 years ago depending on what they are spending on SG&A and on operational expenses. Thats hard to swallow for a regional carrier and a

Consider going with commerical models or "workstation" models. The lifecycles are longer and the components are generally the same through the life of the model as they are intended for corporate use, and many are mil spec'd. Many of the retail models are assembled with spot buy components that OEMs get at the

Buy any two and get a free blood glucose test meter

TiVo does this within it's interface quite well already. Add your Blockbuster, Amazon, Netflix, Hulu plus accounts and when you do the search it tells you which one it's on, and you can stream/download it right from the screen, even looks at if its on any of the channels you receive in the near future so you can

yeah buddy I just completely missed the point of everyone talking about the top 5% earning 90% blah blah blah on a post about how Steve Jobs rode around without a license plate. my bad.

Thats right, free hamburgers forever, for everyone, because they are on the earth and for no other reason.

Why does everyone have to get on this crazy soapbox? The guy was rich, and now he is gone. I'm sure he would much rather be one of you right now arguring about not having enough money to rent his benz.

Google the HP Sojourn. That was in 1998. It's really that PC manufacturers lost their edge when profit becasme more important than design.. They were holding on too tight, turned in thier wings..