
It is duly noted that fe-male hu-mans dislike this terminology for the invasion report future reference. Now I must go and shed my skin. Hwar, hwar! No, I am only making a humorous remark. I am going to place digestible items in my face hole, as you we hu-mans enjoy doing!


To be fair, everyone in the world rushes to judgment, except for Pete Carroll, who passes to judgment, and is usually intercepted.

Pretty much everything reported above and in the comments has a defensible other side. It is not at all clear what is going on in this case from down here either.

I am serious. I climbed a 14,000 foot volcano to take a photo of another exploding, erupting 14,000 foot volcano.

Right? What the hell is up with her purple top? Ick.

"Yes. The fucker uses Windows, it never would've worked out."

Look, "The English Patient" and "Atonement" are actually good romance films. Just don't make me watch any of that crap like "The Notebook" from that life-sucking prick Nicholas Sparks.


Does that make this some form of polyandry? Also, imagine an Invisible Boyfriend with an Invisible Girlfriend.

also its only 100 txts then its over, its like 2 hours and relationship is poof gone, so its like virtually slutting around

Do you want me to send the paramedics to your house after they leave mine?


"need you home a sap"

New York State is in Canada? Yeesh, gotta get my passport updated then.

They recently found two of the supports had NO earth under them at all, literally just hanging in place

When Bill Bellichick heard the news of this report earlier tonight, he promptly fired the team's equipment manager for failing to do his fucking job right by not under-inflating that 12th goddamned football.

nah, the most punk rock thing ever was that girl in L7 taking out her tampon and throwing it in the crowd at Reading.