
This made me snort out loud. Thanks.

those dead, dead eyes...

In her mind, it's probably god and/or her husband.

I had a dude at the state park I used to work at who would write (with his shit) "the shitter strikes again"

Welp, you obviously missed my point. Good day.

I certainly didn't mean any disrespect to her; on the contrary, I think she has this ageless aesthetic in the main picture. If you had no context or clues, you would be hard pressed to think she was 13 from the styling in the picture. She is gorgeous and pitiless in her expression and it is fucking rad.

I don't think she looks overly sexy, but if I didn't know she was 13, I'd say she could be anywhere between 18-35. She is very beautiful, lucky her.

When I was 11ish I said I was 13 or 14 and had some dude from South Africa making plans to come up to "see" me and live at my house. This was in like 1997-1998 before parents knew how to combat it.

The thing I struggle with is balancing traditional femininity with my super practical lifestyle.


Dude, that sucks. I had to deal with both at my last job...having to fight for a security position despite being perfectly qualified and employed the longest...still had to endure demeaning inquiries about "getting my hands dirty" if that would even phase me wrt my older position. And then I was sexually

Harassment is criminal.

I've posted this before, but it bears repeating :

I cannot believe you just dismissed Felicia's situation like that. Wow.

It's like they forget articles like this:

Yep. You are what people hear, and if the loudest of you are screaming hate and your group won't(can't) cull the herd, you move on and pick a forum which you may set the tone.

However long it takes for the unsavories to reiterate their awful stance.

It only takes one, and if they know how to find her it becomes that much easier. Ugh.

What's the scariest place in America you've been in? (And why, duh.)

I'll just leave this here.