
:) Thanks! It's only something I do in my spare time, but I live in a very naturally beautiful area and I love to share.

Nope. I haven't really looked into instagram. Do you need something special for it, or is it just whatever you choose to post?

The barge at sunset.

Sunset and plants!


And flowering.

The plants are budding!

I love how bright and cheery they look.

Zebra mussels on the channel markers.

Hey everyone! To offset everyone's terrible weeks/stress stuff, I'd like to share some pictures from around my town that I took today! Hope you like them!

<3 I'm sorry for your loss. It's been several years since our dog passed and I still have dreams with her in it. It's one of the few times I ever saw my dad cry.

*Hugs* I'm so, so sorry that you have to go through this. I hope your cousin's surgery goes well and that he recovers from this.

Lucky them. I work for a state park and a private art gallery and both are vacation-and-benefits-free. I lose pay if I have to take any time off, unless I switch shifts. It sucks.

Lips=hips/ thighs? I think it's a bit of a stretch.

We work together on garbage duty, but the little details which bother me (rightly so) seem to fall on my shoulders. I don't get much resistance whenever I ask for certain tasks to be done, but it depends on what shift he is working. I don't typically see much of my roomie, so much of the housework comes down to us.

As does my boyfriend and other male roomie, who never seem to notice how the cups left on the table make their way to the sink or garbage (if it's disposable), how the bathroom mirror is always toothpaste splatter-free, how the toilet is not collecting hair or pee drips on the front miraculously clean themselves up.

In NY it is legal for women to go topless, not even taking breastfeeding into consideration.

Agreed. I haven't been able to afford the dentist, let alone going to a dr for a yearly checkup. I honestly would have to choose between gas in my car or food on my table for those. But I "make too much" at 14k a year to qualify for medica(id?re?).

That guy is awesome for the demo.