
They'll never care. Which is the problem at hand. I just don't get why it is so damn important to them that you did or did not have a baby. Honestly, the only other person that SHOULD care aside from the pregnant woman would be the sperm donor. And I still believe that either way it is up to her.

I've read stories on the internet about them as well... and they really make me upset. And the continuation of stories of young women abandoning their babies at 14-15 because they were scared and didn't know what to do/didn't have the finances to even HAVE an abortion in the states that have better access is a tragedy.

It's a problem when denying sex to your spouse counts as cruel and inhuman treatment and thus grounds for divorce in NY.

Dump him. Anyone jealous of pets is not worth your time.

I know. Logically, I know this, but it doesn't make it any less terrifying. My boyfriend lives with me and he was playing it cool. I don't know how to explain to him WHY this means so much and why I get so upset when people try to mess around with abortion rights and contraceptives.

Took a test yesterday- came up negative. My legs were shaking so fucking hard I thought I was going to collapse. So I called my sister in LA. She was trying to sleep, but she had a scare, too because she had been late and had JUST gotten hers. She also proceeded to tell me that she had hung out with some of her

I know it's wrong, but ohhhhhh lawdy did I enjoy his comical "outrage/shock" face.

Fabulous AND an advertisement for au naturale.

Psh. Why wasn't I given a fisting kit, damn it?

Gross. If you REALLY want to have control over what you put into your pupper, get a dehydrator and make some dried chicken or beef treats.

I wish you could have met mine.

Not to mention the animal rendering business. Total ew.

I'm allergic to penicillin because of that. Thanks Dr for the autoprescription! I was very sick. My face was swelling (eyelids, too) and I asked what I could do so I didn't look all funky. She said "well...we don't know what it is and won't test for it, but here. Take this" and the next day, I had my swollen face AND

THANK YOU! I detest cap sleeves! I've got very muscular arms, but I've gained weight recently, so they're extra big. Cap sleeves just look awful on me. I felt self-conscious in them when I was thinner, too!

But!!!! It's TRADITION, guys! Jeeeeeeeeze!

We all know that in reality, he would have been about 20 at that time. *shudders*

One out of X ain't bad?

Just out of anyone in here doing Ambit?

I want to like Adele for her music, but I just can't. My job playing her over and over and over and over and over and over and over (get my point?) ruined her for me.

Pretty sure I misread your earlier comment. Whoops.