When I was in Costa Rica in 2002, we tried like hell to eat iguana. We were told it is better for the environment and more productive per hectacre.
When I was in Costa Rica in 2002, we tried like hell to eat iguana. We were told it is better for the environment and more productive per hectacre.
<3 Thank you for the enlightenment!
Indeed. I recently tried to make mine into a K. I think I achieved it only in a sitting down position.
I am the antithesis of you. :) I've never had a perm, never had fake nails (I had my first manicure EVER last year at the tender age of 24) and have never had my brows waxed. Other than the three or four hairs that are a little too close to the opposite side, I have pretty perfect brows. I am fucking lucky, and I…
Coupled with the look of sheer boredom. I wonder if it's artful boredom, or if she truly could give less of a shit to be there.
So a question for the egg donors here: where do you go to see about donating eggs? I've thought about it off and on, but have seriously been considering it recently.
It is a great indicator of male privilege/expectations.
Do you and your gf have children? Many times when you mix chores and kid-rearing together, it drastically affects how much stress someone has.
When someone is born between 9-12 months after their sibling.
Hence the flowery-type language everyone uses to cover up where it REALLY comes from ;)
Or- "I was playing with hairclips and had inspiration, so I went all crafty on their ass."
Post pictures, pleeeeeeeease!
I appreciate the outreach. Most of the time, I don't feel like I'm drowning, but there are some really rough spots in my life where in retrospect, I can see how my inability to pay attention/deal with life's little suckballs have really damaged my quality of life.
When I was in 4th grade, the school psychologist had a meeting with my parents to discuss whether or not I had ADHD. I was a bright child, but it was incredibly hard for me to focus on anything and I was always getting "If she could only keep her mind on the task at hand" on report cards. My mother's entire family are…
Of all days to have The Period Of Hell, I happened to get mine on a day which WOULD have been an awesome field trip to a machine shop. I was cramping so hard I actually vomited on the floor next to my bed. I was so goddamn miserable I couldn't move and had to wait for my mother to come upstairs to see why I had missed…
Icky.... I don't take it for granted, since I grew up with a smoker and now everything in my life is smoke-free. Except when I go to visit mom. Then I have to detox my clothes. Ugh.
:D I know, it's pretty sad, but I used to drink soda (mostly diet, which...is probably worse) for years. I haven't even had a sip since Jan 3 of this year. (I got back from a trip then). Once my year is up, I might have it occasionally, but nowhere near what it used to be.
I agree about Serena's outfit. Those contrasting colors were also complementary, though. I liked Solange's outfit minus the top. The brown/orange....no. The orange went with the skirt perfectly in theory, but it didn't work with her skin tone, IMO. Might be the brown, I don't know. I would have liked it better if it…
Career? What's that.
I have a friend who sniffs fumes and he's on the floor. He also has a bit of crowd-phobia, so we keep him out of boozy places. Movie nights are great alternatives.