
I used to go to my local bar quite a bit when I turned 21. It was the THING to do in my tiny two-light town, and there used to be quite a chance to hang out with people from my hs so I had something in common. However, I rarely ever drank there. Notably: I lived out in the middle of nowhere and I refuse to drink and

Give it to the bartender/friend, or send it back to the person who gave it to you. I've done this quite a few times.

Your line about smoke-filled bars kinda makes me reeeeeeally happy they don't allow smoking in bars in NY. I've never encountered it as a drinking-age adult.

Glad to hear you're having fun :) I didn't judge her for being raised in a sheltered upbringing. I was as well, though I spent a lot of time online researching (because I'm the kind of person who needs to know EVERYTHING) and I was honestly touched she would feel safe to confide in me for her questions. Fortunately, I

I don't disagree with NYC school's new approach. Particularly about the condoms. Sure, they may not be having sex YET, but making them familiarized and comfortable with the concept of investigating condoms and lubrication(!!!!! I just had to stress the use of lube with a 26 y/o friend of my bf's) will lead to less of

I had to teach a devoutly Catholic friend of mine how to masturbate when we were about 15-16. She had never done it. Ever.

I'm just disappointed in the arbitrary use of the same cliches. I honestly don't think that all stories should be the same, however. People certainly typically have similar life elements in most cases, but pretty much everyone's journey is individual. I dislike the popular concept in Hollywood that more well-known

I almost just choked on my drink. Thank you <3

It's the "it's not gonna happen to us" mentality. And besides— which members of Congress would actually have trouble procuring a physician to do a procedure? The wealthy have ALWAYS been able to get abortions done. Legal or not.

So I know we're all pro-Melissa McCarthy and everything, but seriously. The plot of that movie sounds like it was from a grab bag of awful chick flick clichés. Restaurant slave, check. Failure at job, check. Relationship failure which spawns ridiculous roadtrip with a female stereotype? Check check check!!!!!

Sing it.

Probably just "gender reassignment surgery"

Is it on your Bucket List?

Hearted! And you put that so eloquently.

I have them. And I regularly pop them out because they give me the worst breath and can get itchy. I've found staying away from milk seems to lower their frequency.

I was in middle school when she broke, but damn if I don't know EXACTLY how you feel.

Or cheese pizza....mmmm...damnit, ball of fire! I'm hungry!


Every single time I read "maxi skirt" I get the mental image of a giant pad. Ugh.