Love that pregnant pause. No, Michele, you actually HAVE to answer the damn question.
Love that pregnant pause. No, Michele, you actually HAVE to answer the damn question.
I know, I know. And it's not like we can dub it "the long sigh" couch. Just doesn't have the same ring.
It really is just a suck mark.
Yeah, I had my pearls all set to clutch. Imagine my depression as I was forced to set them down. *Le sigh*
Funny story: As I was working my night security job at the NY State Park I am employed by, I happened upon a loose tiger cat named Cookie. She had a cell number on the tag and it was called. The voicemail belonged to one Mr. Stephen Harper, of Canada.
It's the abortion equivalent of an a credit black mark.
If they leave together, it makes it okay.
Someone has stage fright.
Try The Smiths. I'm sure you will recognize something.
<3 I'm so sorry you went through that.
*Huggles* It's always hard to say goodbye, but just think of how happy you made his life. You made all the difference in the world to him, and he loved you in return.
:D It's one of those unintentionally hilarious reading fails.
Wow, reading fail on my part.
I sincerely thought it was Ke$ha at first.
It's interesting. From some angles, it looks like she's had a major job done. From others, it looks just like what it was when she was younger.
She is flippin' awesome.
Sensitivity toward speech disorders?
Me too. Wish I could rock it.