
They're usually only 50 cents at a local grocery store! (And if you put a cup of club soda or sprite in lieu of one cup of water, they get bubbles in them!)

Especially after the WHCA dinner... :D

Not to mention cutting jobs from abortion providers, nurses, etc.

Don't speak so soon. It ain't over until the votes are in. :(

<3 Vegeta.

Looks more like black cherry to me... but yum!

yeah, I youtubed it. Adobe after effects, I guess? Still pretty fuckin' funny!

Woah, where did that come from?!

Jesus, you just made me feel really. goddamned. old.

and they got his body!

Aren't they always?


I was having tons of fun with FFX..and then I got serious into the boyfriend, then I moved, then I worked 2 jobs, then I sort-of forgot to finish the game.

I'm really exhausted today, but I don't want to nap. (This is usual for me)

I just found out that my second job will not be giving me the option of full time. And since my primary job as a state park employee will likely not be available to me (I've worked there for 6 summers as a primary source of income. Last year, I worked at a golf course associated with my particular park. I found out

"Hey list..*argh!!*"

Lovebirds! :D


And I'm terrified of another summer of listening to her music. (At work. Over and over and over and over and over and over andoverandoverandoverandoverov.............)

All I thought of was "The Duke and I"..........