I....thought that was SoP for hot guys...
I....thought that was SoP for hot guys...
Thank you for traumatizing me.
Actually, you can (and some people do) eat bear. Granted, they are hunted and not farmed and/or trapped.
Oh, that Harry. Always skulking about, all shifty-eyed and mischievous-like...
As a short person, this applies to every aspect of my life.
I think her outfit was probably the loveliest of them all. She also kind of reminds me of Catherine Zeta-Jones...
Well done!
Awwww! I will miss you Sadie! Good luck in the future!
Do you also function as her chaperone?
I honestly think that calling a wild animal WILD is a necessary thing. Yes, there are possibly negative connotations to this in the "barbarous/unrestrained" regard, HOWEVER they ARE indeed wild. As in not domesticated. Also as in: will fuck your shit up if you think of them as safe, etc. Changing this term is…
Random side note to you, has your name always been as such on here? I am reasonably sure I have read comments from you before, but I am also reasonably sure I would have noticed the name.
Probably a longhaired one that has been trimmed.
Nail. On the head. POW!
It's not even so much that it's a wedding as much as I would be shot dead by my lovely xenophobic townsfolk. Except for the 5 cool people who would likely adore the hat. Not sure I'm even capable of wearing a hat like Beatrice. The Queen, sure. Plop one on my head, call it Easter.
Not that I've seen.
I wonder how many hours of her life HRM Queen Elizabeth has spent waving at people.
Love those fucking hats. Never could I ever pull them off where I live.
Best. Idea. EVER!