Haha...this could have been my mom. She LOST weight in the hospital both times after giving birth. One of those ridiculous super-high metabolism things.
Haha...this could have been my mom. She LOST weight in the hospital both times after giving birth. One of those ridiculous super-high metabolism things.
*Shudder* You just reminded me of my mom.
It is insidious indeed.
Yay Canada!
It might just be your location. I was xmas shopping in NC and didn't see anything in this girl's range that wasn't Dora covered. We only went to Walmart, though. She likes Dora (I can't stand it) so what the hell, right?
Annnnnnd with the selfish nature of cats, you can feel like you're truly parenting a small child, eh? :) (Plus they are usually cheaper and don't require birth from you in order to have one)
Thank you sooooooooo much for that!
It'll get ya skinny! 0 cal pickle!
I looooooove the little white stars on things. EXTRA CREDIBILITY! DING!
Oh, this is just peachy:
You lucky bum :P
I couldn't think of a better wedding :D
@ the dude in the posted video. Srsly. Clone?
So I had a strange/distressing dream the other night. It woke me up at 5:30 in the morning and led me to be up for the rest of the day.
That is the best!!!! Thanks for sharing!!
Drunken master!
Evidently this has been lurking around for a while. I never understood how it could POSSIBLY be comfortable, as I hate it when my pants sag, even just a little.
Life has a lot of hard times and difficult trials. I'm very sorry he's doing this, though obviously he doesn't sound like the most mature person. I would say that perhaps you should try speaking to his parents about what he's been doing and show the receipts of the rent NOT being paid and see if they can help you out,…
Do you have a camera? Try taking a stroll and take pictures of some of the interesting things you see. You then get exercise AND journal discussion (I like to write a bit about my more interesting photos) and it can be an ice-breaker when other people see you doing it, so bonus social if you feel up to it!
Aren't we all..........