
please be good please be good please be good please be good please be good

The trailer is nothing but a trove of stunning images telling us very little.

The gun debate was settled when 20 kindergartners were slaughtered in 2012 in their classroom and politicians decided that was acceptable and Americans came to the same conclusion and left those politicians in office. Now Roe. The US is taking huge steps backwards and I don’t see it stopping any time soon.  Our hand

What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.

First, I still don’t get the weirdly hostile tone this site has against Baldwin about this. Yeah, he’s an asshole, but in this case it’s so obvious he had no intention to do what happened it’s just a tragedy for him. Cut him some fucking slack.

The only right that matters in the US is the 2nd Amendment. There are literally no other laws that matter at all. Just your right to own a fucking gun.

More than content with it - the right *likes* that this happens. Keeping the population in constant fear for their lives is a good way to get them to turn to reactionary politics. It’s been a strategy of the right wing since the right wing existed.

I dunno. We need to make sure women are forced to give birth so we have enough children to slaughter in classrooms.

Right, that’s what’s consistently bothered me about “adoption” discussions. These people don’t give a single shit about all the children in foster care programs getting bounced all over the place. They don’t care about children once born. We say it over and over and it never changes.

All of this is why I despise

You’re completely entitled to your anger here. I do want to say a few things, if that’s okay.

First and foremost: absolutely NOT going to deny that there are some fuckers on the left who didn’t think abortion “mattered” in a sort of “of course they won’t strike it down” way. It was shitty. It’s inexcusable. I also

Without gun control and a cultural shift in the attitude to problem solving by guns, we are all doomed to watch mass shootings helplessly. Until Americans stop turning to guns everytime they feel angry, depressed, uncomfortable, afraid, hateful, persecuted, hangry or just low blood sugar. This is a uniquely American

It’s annoying that you are blaming the left and not the weakass Democratic leaders lol. Theyve been playing the respectability game with actual fascists but ok.

Then why don’t they go find the nearest Republican wearing a cross necklace and pick them up by it?

People acting like this is some shocking new low of criticism are off their goddamn rockers. Another commenter said something about not allowing politicians to enjoy luxuries, and I’m like... did they miss criticism of Trump’s golf time? Ted Cruz’ ill timed international vacations? Aaron Schock’s themed office

She wears cut-off denim vests and rings that say “fuck off” in the senate chamber precisely to highlight the fact that she is an obstructionist asshole. She enjoys her reputation as an obstructionist and wears costumes to highlight that fact. She is trying, in her clothing choices, to disrespect the institution and (a

Oh, we’re paying attention to that, too.

Special Note: The Republican Women could care less about Sinema’s clothing, and the commentary about it. They’ve likely privately said a few things about it themselves.

No. This take is right in line with the notion that all women have to support each other. If any male congressman was wearing novelty ties or bizarrely casual, loud outfits to vote bills into law we would be making fun of them. We made fun of Tucker Carlson’s bowties and trump’s suits. Sinema is here for all of the

I do not believe those are similar struggles at all. Someone suffering from substance abuse is not the same as wanting to harm a child. I don’t know what to tell you if you can’t see that. I hope you are never around children.

I think a better use of one’s time would be spent helping victims. I try to be open minded & I get that Allyn Walker is saying these people don't want to hurt kids but I just don’t think it should be a struggle to not harm children, sorry.