
They’ve got to be terribly conflicted.  “He makes DEVIL MUSIC! But we appreciate how he considers women property...”

Well, FWIW, I personally know at least 100 people who managed to listen to Van Halen’s “Jump” at some point without committing suicide or Duran Duran’s “Hungry Like the Wolf” without resorting to ritual murder, so they’re still sitting at <1% accuracy even with this one in the win column.

Every time a new movie based on the Warrens comes out a whole bunch of outlets, some journalistic and others just the entertainment press, take the editorial stance that ghosts and demons must be real. This never gets followed up on.

My guy...look up “Bluebeard.” Please. The joke’ll land, I promise.

Well, one thing I’m certainly an abuser of is easily misread irony on the internet.

Underrated comment.

All of those movies based on the Warrens should have the tagline, “based on a real hoax”

Yeah the Warrens are absolutely horrible people and making them seem nice in movies is not a good thing :(

The Warrens are certainly hucksters. But here’s what bugs the shit out of me about them (and it makes me judge the movies harshly because they are portrayed as these Christian do-gooders): they are hucksters of the worst possible sort because their livelihood is taking advantage of the bereaved. People who are

Oh boy. Cancel culture, at it again! Still reeling over what these SJWs did to my man Bluebeard...

Don't worry, folks. There's a good chance Barsanti's take on this is just as wrong as his take on, well, everything.

Comedic roles, too.

I also wonder what their response would be if we were talking about China and not the Middle East.

The fascists have weaseled and cheated their way into power. No one took us seriously when we on the actual left were raising the alarms. The party that’s supposed to oppose them is full of people that have a vested interest in not noticing that bipartisanship is fucking dead, because fascism kills anything remotely

I like the gist of this idea. The plan you laid out would never fly - not on a state or federal level - as both republican and democratic politicians would shoot it down. But the general idea of putting the financial burden, at minimum, on these forced-birth fucks is solid and could actually be a deterrent.

The problem for us is that they will fuck around and find out...find out that dems and progressives will absolutely do nothing of the sort to retaliate. They will continue to take the position that what is good for the goose should continue to be good for the goose only because they refuse to fight dirty with these

And they will get away with it because this country is a single party country now. The GQP runs everything and there is no one to stop them.

can you fucking cishet white men stay in your fucking lane? Shitty beer and football? Like, stay the fuck out of queer spaces. 

Subtlety tweeting out “Happy Halloween,”

There’s barely a handful paragraphs in this article, ostensibly about the Brittany Murphy documentary, that don’t frame everything about her life in terms of Britney Spears. What a way to defend her humanity.