
While sitting in the room named after “Money Heist” does anyone at Netflix ever wonder why they didn’t spent an extra five minutes coming up with a name better than “Money Heist?”

They’ve picked this hill to die on because they, as well as a significant portion of the population, have dehumanized trans persons enough to believe it's not a hill at all. The backlash hasn't been significant enough to convince them they're wrong, unfortunately. They've made enough money that they're not going to

No, he’s prepping for a photo-op during the walkout. He’ll be out there supporting his people, like when those cops kneeled during the BLM protests.

I’m looking forward to watching this, and I’m hopeful that the simplistic narrative that the current crisis is the fault of the Sacklers (who are, no doubt, terrible), instead of the response to the Sacklers’ terribleness, which is the main culprit.

The pernicious thing here is the implicit assumption (not necessarily being made by you, but certainly being made by others in this very thread) that LGBT+ people don’t actually know what’s in the special, aren’t capable of understanding context, subtext or intent, don’t know their own community or what constitutes

Dude, Chappelle didn’t even attend his trans “friend”s funeral accoring to one of her actual friends. He basically used her death as a prop and dehumanized her and treated her like shit.

Get fucked, “anyone who disagrees with me couldn’t have possibly have watched the special!” isn’t a rational adult argument. It’s whiny narcissism using polite words.

You’re wrong, but thanks for standing up for a hateful bigot who said he’s a hateful bigot.

I read the transcript. It’s transparently, obviously, blatantly transphobic. Fighting against dehumanizing transphobia is not a knee jerk reaction, it’s the right thing to do. Being dismissive of marginalized people fighting against bigotry is just straight up wrong. And Chappelle is completely dismissive and

The adults are with transphobia? how mature of them. I guess bowing out is a nice luxury to have when you’re not being targeted by bathroom bills across the country.

I read the transcript. It was out and out transphobic bigotry. 

Denying the actual existence of a group of people is hateful no matter how much you don't want it to be

Hate speech isn’t protected speech. I know you almost certainly understand that. Maybe you don’t think denying trans people are real isn’t hateful but it is.

Pinhead was never really a villain, though. He/She/They usually help the hero, and as the high priest of hell, I would posit that Pinhead has in fact always been a hashtag-girlboss.

Counter-counter point: Israel is a rich nation that can, and should, pay for its own defense. If the US is interested in supplying defensive arms to countries to limit civilian casualties, it should spend an equal amount of money supporting Palestinian civilians. 

You’ve made that joke already. We get it. It still sucks. Move on.

Kaitlin Olson for my money is the best sitcom actress alive. 

That...isnt at all what anyone is saying...  Like...not even *a little bit*...

I think it’s fine Silverman questions this, I don’t think she’s being overly sensitive for pondering it. Anti-semitism is still going strong.

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