
The self-righteousness here, the constant air of “our shit hypothetically wouldn’t stink if we were in his shoes, which we never were and never will be,” is just gross.

I’m sure the author of this piece, plus everyone in the comments and everyone on Twitter, would have totally put this powerful industry mogul in his place if they had been in Sorkin’s position.

A robot that will call the cops on you and fall down the stairs? Why did they not name it Karen?

Or, and this is going to sound wild, she's the lead character in an hour long drama that films something like 24 episodes a year. It's a pretty darn massive time commitment.

She's the lead character on a very long running network show and is quite wealthy because of it. I think she's probably just fine. I forgot how misogynistic this site gets sometimes. She might be an asshole, Washington might be one too, but you inferring this makes you the biggest asshole. 

Like nobody wants to work with her.”

So Washington should feel free to threaten any of her future projects because she was “bold” and stood up to him? That’s gross and also ethically wrong, but then women have been dealing with that ish since before Weinstein. 

Woodward noted that the fact that Trump-enablers like Mitch McConnell snicker about Trump being a “fucking moron” in the Capitol cloakroom does not count as political courage.

U.S. democracy is still in peril. Americans are not out of the woods yet. One of its two political parties would love for democracy to be replaced with authoritarianism and the other political party is still deciding, apparently.

Democracy relies on the existence of an informed public. The public is widely misinformed. We do not live in a democracy.

Well, pretending that the current system *is* a democracy is probably doing a pretty significant amount of damage to the US’s intended democratic principles too.

I think it’s fair to say we are even closer now, since Trump’s allies have been working hard to put the people they need in place to guarantee he can steal the next election.

Klasky-Csupo’s character designs have always been ugly even in 2D, so transitioning them to CGI was never going to work well.

I think it’s what happens when someone knows they want to snark have nothing to say. Words arranged in a sentence that feels like a witty snippy aside, but don’t actually mean anything when read in that order. 

For some reason he narrates it face-down from Norma Desmond’s swimming pool.

The first X-Files movie is awesome.

Woman in loveless marriage finds comfort in the researcher of one of her greatest contributions to culture and thus one of the only other people at the time who could possibly recognize and appreciate them? Gee, nothing potentially understandable or human in that.

Hot take: if your first response to the idea of a woman

Melissa McCarthy is a genuinely great actress who happens to have terrible taste in material.

wtf is Rolling Ztone lol