Caleb "If a rally car can do it, so can my Malibu" M. S.

I have no comment.

Same is happening at my school, we are all on 1:1 technology and use google accounts. All of the students here revived/are receiving emails from people within our actual user group.

Got a link?

and its creators have just realized new video showing the climax of its origin story.

just finished the story of Watch_Dogs 2, just ordered The Division, probably will burn through some FIFA 17 this weekend...

Torch, I have a question: How would cars be different if we lived in a world where feet were hands and hands were feet? I feel as if this is an issue facing society, and you are the man best prepared to create a solution.

Everyone in my area (NW Iowa). We’re loaded with rich farmers, and SUVs and lux trux are the new German luxury vehicles.

“Hoon hotline”

This read like one of my Grandpa’s National Geographic magazines that I grew up reading on Sunday afternoons, and that is a good thing. Well done.

What this man is looking for is a 2016/17 Chevrolet Malibu.

Easily the best thing I’ve watched all day. Good relaxing fuel.

That’s the first rule of being a teen driver at work: Always know the cheapest, most efficient way to fix your car. Often this results in ingenuitive fixes.

This thing is so nice and small; maybe they need to make 0.5 HP versions that you’d clip to your phone to not worry about battery life anymore, and enjoy the benefits of a phone that never dies and also makes noise and exhaust.

Being a Ferrari driver, does that make Ferraris’ your favorite overall make? And I suppose that also begs the question of what your daily driver is. Thanks!

Audi Nanuk Quattro concept

I’m confused as well.

But can we have the sexy rear wing, too?

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups with internet access.

I was on adderall yesterday, popped half a pill at 8:35 AM, and while at school, went on a internet rampage researching every topic my hyped-up mind came across. Subjects included, but were not limited to: Skateboarding (have never rode in my life), paintball (same as previous), firearms, theoretical astronomic