Phil Bond

There are official adapters to make your old instruments work. Blame the console manufacturers. They’re the ones who dictate how controllers connect.


It’s good, but what’s the “clever” part? That they went to the full-scale model to take pictures?

“one of the better applications for the e-Reader was for the classic Super Mario Advance 4 (a remake of Super Mario Bros. 3), with a card bringing 30 brand new levels to the game.”

I know he says that in Aliens, and I think he says it in Predator 2, but I can’t remember if he says it In Terminator.

Feminism means caring about whether women are as comfortable as men being themselves. Some of them are stupid just like some men are stupid; but if you don’t understand the basic idea, then you’re one of the idiots. If you understand it but you don’t like it, then you’re at least a little bit scary.

You didn’t even mention that the “brackets” they use are strictly one-loss-and-out single-elimination brackets. Show me a regular local tournament that uses those, and I’ll show you an upsettingly amateurish event that I’ll never attend again. It’s kinda tolerable for automatically-generated online tournaments since

Which is extra bizarre because the 3DS version has always saved the names of all players in a replay.

You say “practically,” but you mean “literally.”

The only extra parts on this one, not counting his gun, are two forearms and a decorative chest plate, all of which turn into 7 separate weapons for the 6 individual robots, or you can store every accessory all at once in the bed of Long Haul the dumptruck, in both his vehicle and robot modes.

Dude. Devastator’s elbows are perfect. You just don’t have his forearms rotated the right way up. Look at some photos.

Interesting. That's something I might actually do. Thanks.

Rodimus doesn’t turn into a limb. He acts as chest armor like Blackjack does on Menasor. He’s a legends-class figure, not a deluxe. And since he looks like a 100% repaint of Blackjack and not a retool, I’m betting he does the same terrible job of staying attached to Optimus’ chest as Blackjack does with Menasor. It's

You go into creative detail about how much better Superion looks with Quickslinger instead of Alpha Bravo, and then to drive the point home you show us... -BEHOLD- A picture of Superion with Alpha Bravo, and no Quickslinger. See his right shoulder there? That's helicopter guy.

You've never heard of Evangelion? Wow, I can't remember the last time I heard of a nerd who'd never heard of Evangelion.

Racking my brain, I can't think of an arcade game that uses a wired D-pad controller (if you know of one, please mention it in the comments). Ditching joysticks in favor of a pad is off-putting in an arcade environment. It's unnatural. Wired controllers are more of a demo kiosk thing, which makes Pokkén seem like it

Why no pictures of Ness or Charizard?

Never underestimate people's ability to mispronounce names that are constantly said aloud in fighting games, especially Soulcalibur, home of Sop-fit-tia, Zang Shwa, Leishwa, Kaleek, and Zeeba.


Give an unwelcome and crassly phrased opinion, get sarcasm. Tit for tat.