This delusion is so pathetic. What kind of moron discusses theft primarily as a gateway drug to legitimate business? Stop pretending that the world can work this way. Nobody believes it; not even you.
This delusion is so pathetic. What kind of moron discusses theft primarily as a gateway drug to legitimate business? Stop pretending that the world can work this way. Nobody believes it; not even you.
Indubitably, my good gentleman. Indubitably.
I can never respect the opinion of anyone who didn't like the N64 controller. These are the people who kill societal progress.
The only place I can find mention of Picross-e is gamefaqs, where they say that the US release date is TBA.
Ah yes. Quite right. But it's the square ones, arranged in spirals, that create the shimmering.
I've been addicted to Picross for weeks, but the way you phrased your post, you made it sound like there was something available other than the VCGB version. Now I'm sad.
Those are obviously 1x1 square pieces, not round.
I hate when you guys fall in love with your own memorably opinionated turns of phrase.
That's not... What? No.
I don't know what he's saying, but he sure does bow a lot. So deferential!
Is that a joke?
That's actually true, isn't it? Don't they give out different swords to different employees over time?
You call yourself Grimlock, and yet you refer to Michael Bay films as "the first?" Shame on you, sir. Shame on you.
They've done it more than a few times. Action Masters was the only time they took any flak for it.
You're forcing it. Let the hate flow through you.
The Micro does have proportionally long shoulder buttons, about the size of the original GBA, which means that a greater range of postures will work than with the smaller buttons on the SP. I'm not really qualified to write a whole ergonomic treatise on why the Micro works so well, but it does. It's small enough to be…
That's true. The Micro required its own cables and its own wireless adapter, all of which were only available by mail-order.
It's just comfy and pretty. It's that simple. The screen is ridiculously bright and vivid compared to the washed-out SP screens (there are actually two dramatically different screen constructions in different vintages of GBA SP, but they're both inferior to the Micro), the buttons have a nice traditional feel unlike…