Phil Bond

You're crazy. The Game Boy Micro is the best GBA by far.

I would be distracted if they re-used unnecessarily specific ornaments of a particular character, like tonal auto-tuning applied to spoken words, or specific sci-fi makeup prosthetics.

This manga is the backstory alluded to in the game. No matter how far back you go, there's always an earlier story.

+1 for highly effective language.

You're not supposed to be aware of how hated someone is. It's not healthy to share hate.


I used to watch it religiously ten years ago, which is how old that Moses gag is.

As a diehard, my favorite part by far is Elizabeth Dehner and her haircut.

What causes the bug? Is it preventable when you know about it?

Some people just don't pay attention.

That's nice, but I'm still waiting for an iOS version of RUA Evolution. It was really cool on Facebook with the evolving and stuff, but all those microtransactions were a drain on my soul.

I can't appreciate a joke that fails at 5th-grade spelling.



So basically you're saying he's not sorry, because... he knew he was doing it? People aren't allowed to regret things that they approved? That's odd.

That's just like... your opinion, man. I think it looks great.

It is known.

Game Boy Micro only played GBA games, Genesis 3 didn't have a headphone jack, PS2 Slim lacked a hard drive bay, and NES top-loader lacked RCA composite A/V ports.

Some minigames would be fine or at least playable without the TV, like Donkey Kong Crash Course or Zelda Archery. Others would be impossible, like Yoshi's fruit eating game or Takamaru's ninja game.

Original Wiimotes still need it sometimes in Nintendo Land.