Phil Bond

Hah! Yeah, because people don't already use any wireless devices on planes.

Tell me about it. My Figma Samus falls apart when you look at it funny.

Not on Wii. Only 3DS.

Oh yeah, THAT'S what respectful disagreement sounds like...

Seriously? Here's the nerdiness spectrum: The nerdiest tenth of a percent of the population are hardcore Android people who actually take advantage of the amazing capabilities of top-notch Android phones, but most of them hack and don't buy apps, then there are design nerds praying against fate that Windows Phone will

Ah yes, the emulator fanbase. People who have no desire to link their games, and actually play them for the single-player story content.

Most of that 75% are poor people who never buy apps, mostly because they're too intimidated by technology to figure out how.

This matters to all gamers, not just the PC master race.

Is that seriously how they labeled their face buttons? What the fuck?

I'm afraid that is what it means. Careful research has deemed it a statistical certainty.

Yeah? I lap it all up with a spoon. No joke. Old guy Ezio is my favorite Ezio, followed closely by Soul Calibur Ezio.

If you look very closely, you'll see that this is an article about an airplane.

Mario Kart 7 for the 3DS got a free patch to the online mode after shortcut exploits were discovered. Fixes are always possible.

No, but your PS3 game should have come with a code to download the desktop version for PC or Mac. Either one will do.

Also Mac.

Or Mac.

Or Mac.

It's not at all new, though. I thought there was some kind of overhaul coming.

So brave.

credibility: obliterated