Phil Bond

Even if the gameplay upgrades mean nothing to you, you should still look at each installment as a giant injection of new content, since all the songs from the previous games carry forward.

You mirrored that Ivy image in your header. Her costume is asymmetrical, you sonovabitch.

That's more like it!

...Yes, it is. The seven continents are North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and Antarctica.

You down with OPP?

Did you read the article?

Multiplayer is the main attraction for me. I play single player only as much as they make me in order to unlock multiplayer stuff. You people who hate on it all sound like crotchety old men.

Rock Band Blitz is a $15 digital download that acts as a receiver for all Rock Band compatible tracks installed on my Xbox 360.

I don't understand how Blitz fits your criteria any more than Rock Band 3 does.

It came with two. So, if you get one mint in box, it would come with an extra. Or you would think that that would make some of them end up on eBay.

On second thought, speaking of the fact that I've taken my PS3 apart, you know why this shouldn't be done with disc-based systems? Anything with a fan gets filthy inside.

Honestly, how hard could that possibly be? Companies tear down and knock off other people's plastic all the time. Hasbro has reverse-engineered dozens of old Transformers toys that they lost the molds for, and those things have dozens of pieces to them. I've torn apart my PS3. Clear console case kits should be totally

Hm. This one's broken. The jaw shouldn't drop until the arm is squeezed in, which also makes the hair pop up and the eyes bug out.

Donkey Kong

So you are asking about the expandability of the 3DS's onboard storage. It uses an SD card, which has been the most common format of compact flash memory card for many years. The DSi used them, the Wii uses them, many TVs, cameras and computers have slots for them. They're extremely common, and relatively cheap. 2GB

B4 doesn't know why you talk to him, but he likes it.

32 GB SD cards are less than $20 on Amazon, and Newegg has 128GB cards for a little over a dollar per gigabyte.

This isn't exactly what you asked, but just in case you misspoke: if you're asking how big the 3DS onboard SD card storage is: it's 2GB on the regular 3DS and 4GB on the 3DS XL, but you can replace those. The hardware supports SD cards up to 2 terabytes (!!!) in capacity.

Yeah, just take it out of the smaller car and put it in the bigger car.

Damn it Sony, you're legally right, but shut up. You're ruining our memories of one of your best PR campaigns.