Phil Bond

If they release everything all at once, people will buy newer games most, and older games won't get as much spotlight. When they give everything a moment in the spotlight, in order of impressiveness, everything has a moment where it's optimally appealing to customers. GBA games will reach approximately as many

Have I seen X? Why, yes. I have it right here. []

Pony around? I've never heard that expression.

Seriously? Still? Don't be a crotchety old geezer, Steven. Did you not notice that everyone thought that same thing before it came out, and every single person who ended up playing them decided that they were worthy, fantastic, beautiful games that entirely delivered on the spirit of Super Metroid? Did you know that

I just mean the screens, and I guess really just the top screen, but still: just as big is entirely good enough. I've been missing that enormousness.

Oh my God. Seeing it next to the DSi XL is exactly what I wanted. The DSi XL is the most ridiculously luxurious portable Nintendo ever made, and the 3DS XL is actually bigger. I need it in my life.

They probably figure that people looking for certain GBA games will "settle" for earlier associated Game Boy games as long as they figure it's about as good as it's going to get. Plus, that'll drive people to take a greater interest in DSi Ware games, which 3rd-party developers should be happy about, plus after

If only there was some way to continue owning that first copy you bought, but there just isn't.

I figure they were so embarrassed by Other M (I liked it, but it seems like nobody else did) that they've issued a company-wide order to ignore the existence of Metroid for a few years, until Other M is no-longer the freshest Metroid thing in the cultural memory. They probably figure that'll just happen naturally in a

Have YOU?

Which Starscream? I have the first edition, but it's so fragile I think I'd rather sell it and get the retooled version.

Yeah, I had a Hell of a time finding an SD card for mine. I eventually found a Micro SD with Mini and full-size adapters included. I loaded it up with Stan Bush's "The Touch," the original G1 theme song, and some select Freezepop tracks.

"the Zelda bonus disc on GameCube that collected what was at the time every major entry in the series."

Cassandra? ...Now? Get with the times, lady.


He said this: "In the 1982 film Tron, nearly everything takes place, in one way or another, inside a joint called Flynn's Arcade," which is wrong, because most of the movie takes place in the Encom building. Then he says this: "it is now a Japanese restaurant, and not a video game arcade where one machine has the

If I may, I want to throw Soul Calibur V director Daishi Odashima into the category of abused visionaries. Everything in his game that got finished is great (engine, characters, balancing, debugging, online mode). The shortcomings that stick out like sore thumbs (incomplete story, incomplete roster, Aeon and Nightmare

My favorite evidence that bad DLC practices aren't his idea is the fact that he goes everywhere with a Blanka toy for a mascot, and Blanka was pulled from SFxT for use as DLC half a year later. Anyone who thinks he would have selected Blanka for that is just being snarky.

Loved that two-parter SO MUCH.

Would anyone else like to stand behind the "courteously minimizing brightness for her fellow passengers" theory? Please speak up, so the rest of us will know to ignore you in the future.