Phil Bond

I'm with you 100%, Sam. Don't let these charlatans get you down. It's just like the people who set their HDTV to the wrong aspect ratio, or plug in their Blu-Ray players with composite cables. If they're going to abuse their tech like that, they don't deserve it.

I want a hip holster for my 3DS that will have a little sensor for when the Streetpass light is green, and when it is, some giant ridiculous LED element on my chest will turn green, backlighting the words "STREETPASS RECEIVED," like a Nintendo nerd version of an arc reactor.

I love my cheap poker set.

Yeah, I know it has lots of legitimate historical milestones to its credit, but it came out during a brief period when I didn't own an NES, so it passed me by, and the superior Dreamland 2 got to break all those great concepts to me as though they were brand-new. As you probably know, it had an alternate boss for 100%

Ah, thank you. I think I'm the only Kirby fan for whom Kirby's Adventure never clicked. I always found it overly similar and inferior to Dreamland 2. The 3D Classics version of Adventure for the 3DS is very nice though, but it appears to be lacking the intro that WarpstarCardia was referring to.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't that one of the many games where Kirby has feet and arms?

A Kirby's Pinball Land fan, no doubt.

Wouldn't be Kotaku if they mentioned Tekken and didn't get something wrong.

Wouldn't be a Kotaku Tekken article if they didn't spell a character's name wrong.


Smash Bros. is a wild goose chase. Totaka contributed his personal portrayal of Yoshi's voice, and the music from Animal Crossing. It's not really *his* game.

There is nothing... NOTHING better than a good easter egg that stays hidden for many years. "The point?" It's called "fun."

The only video I found had unpleasant language in the captioning, and used a custom character instead of actual Dampierre, but here it is anyway: [] As I said above, the glitch has existed in Soul Calibur V for a long time, possibly from the beginning. It has never been fixed.

A similar glitch has existed in Soul Calibur V for a long time, possibly from the beginning. If Dampierre gets hit by one of Algol's bubbles during his Critical Edge animation, the action will freeze until time runs out, and whoever had the most health will win the round. That's a lot less likely than this Rolento

DLC made concurrently to sell as an extra is the same thing as content made for the game then removed. The genesis of the product is the same, the path to the consumer is the same, the production timeframe is the same, I struggle to see any difference that amounts to anything, philosophically or practically.

Same difference, potty mouth. Same difference.

Same difference, potty mouth. Same difference.

Great, more confusing and ambiguous blending of animal people and actual animals in an environment of unembarrassed omnivore-ism.

The Idolm@ster 2 seems shocking, but it says "songs" in there. If it's a Rock Band-type situation, that might be completely reasonable. It would cost what, like $6,000 to get all of the DLC for Rock Band? But nobody expects anybody to actually do that, or even want to.