Might as well cover the Apple up if you're not going to use it in the design.
Might as well cover the Apple up if you're not going to use it in the design.
Every article on this game, I check for some sign that the writer isn't a Tekken fan, and I'm never disappointed. Or am I always disappointed? I expect to be disappointed, and those expectations are always met.
Shhh... It's okay.
If you watch very closely during the drop, you can see that that one was already broken.
...Did Cave just rule out the possibility for any more non-user-generated content?
By Jove, you're right. And I take it we both know that the comic was consistently superior, so I suppose that's that.
Well, at least they're not glossing over it completely, but I'm still pretty sure Wheeljack was supposed to have built the Dinobots from scratch on Earth.
The more he says "space t-rex," the more I think, "Why would there be a space t-rex?" The entire premise of these Cybertronian games is that they pre-date everything the Transformers ever got from Earth: like Volkswagens, Mack trucks, and dinosaur fossils.
It's true that there's naturally a spectrum to these things, and everyone will naturally draw their personal line in a different place, but "spoiler-free review" and "spoiler-free guide," in their absoluteness, are idiotic oxymorons that should never be used. They're impossible, imaginary fantasy products that…
You seriously think an article like this is spoiler-free? Some people have the most insanely specific definition of "spoiler."
In case you're curious, she's sprung up and down the tiers since she was introduced, was considered by the developers to be a mysteriously under-recognized top-tier character after SCV came out, and received a huge raft of changes when the game was patched late last month, theoretically making her a decent but not…
Controllers controllers controllers.
That's the "Vs" version I mentioned. See the little VS logo on the left side of the marquee? This is "Vs. Super Mario Bros," an obscure, barely different version that's barely worth knowing about. Sure, it exists, but who cares? Is there a soul in the world who loves the Vs version more than the NES version? [en.wikipe…
There isn't really an arcade version of Super Mario Bros. that's worth mentioning like that.
Or he would be, if he wasn't being kept out of SFxT until next winter.
They gave the GBA the exact same "Sweetest Rejection Note Ever" when they stopped taking those.
Here are the patch notes for the gameplay changes: lots to read. Some characters are strongly nerfed or buffed, most don't have much to worry about. All the craziest glitches and most abusable moves I know of have been fixed. There are a few things I'm really looking forward to playing with, like better GI on…
They just look to me like they've been getting higher as they've been getting more prominent. I've seen some dramatic... presentation differences when the same girl wears two different types of bras. I know it's a minefield to insinuate on the Internet that I've had girlfriends, but... yeah. Garments can yield…
Can't a difference this subtle be explained by different bras?
Literally speaking, there is no way your intuition could be wrong.