Here's an article from today about the positive, inclusive fighting game community in Madison Wisconsin: [] The writer highlights our camaraderie, diversity and constructive attitudes.
Here's an article from today about the positive, inclusive fighting game community in Madison Wisconsin: [] The writer highlights our camaraderie, diversity and constructive attitudes.
Altaïr is not Ezio's ancestor.
Every Kotaku post about this game leads me to believe you people have never played Tekken games for any longer than it takes to write an ignorant review. Way to wear it on your sleeves, or something, I guess?
We shall see how easy it is to turn gems off, but the Street Fighter community and the larger overall fighting game community have already written the whole idea off as unbalanceable at worst, and an unwelcome waste of time at best, and they're refusing to use it. It might have had a chance if not for competing store…
This is identical to the system in Soul Calibur IV where different armor and weapons gave different benefits in "Special" versions of the main game modes. At a huge tournament with like eight stations, I once saw a few people actually playing Special Versus mode using what they thought were finely-tuned custom…
HA-HA! SWEARING! FROM NINTENDO CHARACTERS! I WILL NEVER GET TIRED OF -no, wait, it stopped being funny before YouTube existed.
That's nice, but skin texture is already passable. The problem is in how you animate it.
I don't want to just be a guy who's always harping on typos, but... yes I do. Somebody has to. You guys are ridiculous.
You're a mean guy, Frankie.
You may find my assessment overly confident, but that doesn't have anything to do with the concept of a strawman. Neither of us have cited the exaggerated perspective of an imaginary person for the sake of arguing against them.
The difference between every other control scheme this game has ever had, and a touch screen, is that no-one would have chosen a touch screen. We're stuck with it because rather than a device designed for games that we carry around for games, we have a device designed for multimedia page browsing that we carry around…
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I know what you're talking about. Here's a writeup I did recently involving what I've done to all my area demos: [] Basically, on each one, you have to:
It doesn't support the iCade, either. That would have made all the difference in the world for me. I found it surprisingly playable on the iPad, where it lets you move the onscreen buttons into an optimized arrangement, and I was able to get the most accuracy-intensive achievements, but it's still in no way…
Soulcalibur isn't about combos. It's about positioning, defense, and earning every hit. Long combos exist, but they're the exception, not the rule, and their starters are usually not very good moves.
lol I was just kidding, bro. If you're in the southern Wisconsin area, I would -no lie- love to meet you somewhere for a streetpass, but that's the only way we could do that. I've personally been hacking and upgrading store demo 3DS units all over my city so that they catch pink puzzle pieces from random customers,…
I love button masher kids. I love them so much. Please, come mash buttons at me. It would make my day.
All it took was Mario Kart 7 and the firmware 3.0 upgrade to Puzzle Swap. I went from telling people the 3DS "isn't so bad" to being totally obsessed with it. Do you have any pink puzzle pieces?! Where are you?! Let me visit you!!
Came to the comments expecting to see a dogpile of morons downplay the impact of casual homophobia because they enjoy it.
I'm certain you can transfer all of your content to a new 3DS. It's right there under System Setting, Other Settings, page 3, System Transfer. Go there, and there's a detailed rundown of what a system transfer entails, and it certainly sounds like it should include all downloaded games and saved data.
I'm sorry I hurt your butt. You obviously know what you're talking about. I'm sorry to have misinterpreted you, you just have a perspective I'm unfamiliar with. No, I didn't have anything better to do on Christmas morning. I was at work for 10 hours with nothing to do, and I forgot to bring games.