Phil Bond

Someone on did this a month ago.

As a "3DS Ambassador," I think the exclusivity of it all is dumb as Hell. Go ahead and appease me with presents, but let my friends and family buy the games for money too. Why do I want to be the only one playing something? That's not fun. Nobody wants that.

Here's the nutshell version: I hang with obsessive Tekken players. Pro-level national competitors. They all love Tekken 6 without compunction. You don't think Namco promotes it enough? It had, or has, a regular prime time TV show in Korea. It's the most-hyped 3D fighter there is, and Namco's biggest-selling franchise.

I don't mean to be a dick, but that's the role I take on when I decide not to tear you apart one sentence at a time. But I just don't have the time. I know I would be at it for like an hour. And then you'd still think I was a dick. So... *meh*

I'm not going to put a lot of point-by-point effort in here, but I just want to say that virtually everything you've said here sounds wrong, and runs contrary to everything I've observed of Tekken 6. Literally all of your historical perspectives, gameplay assessments, technical pronouncements and other comparisons

Is anyone else really bothered to see Mewtwo in what appears to be a historical fiction game? There better not be any Porygons, either. I could probably come up with some others that would be troubling... Elekid?

I pored over this article, trying to figure out which liquids gamers used to pour over instruction manuals. LOLJK but seriously learn to spell.

Getting a different version is just a good excuse to replay a game I love, and support the people who made it. Plus, each time they come out with a new version of PvZ, they usually include some little minigame that's exclusive to that version. I love PvZ so much that whenever they put out a patch I think is really

I'm right there with you, buddy. I have PvZ on 5 platforms. iPad is my favorite by far.

It's "TK421."

He was obviously referring to the Critical Edge attack, but has no idea what he's talking about.

Leixua is a fine successor to Xianghua, as is Natsu to Taki. You have nothing to worry about.

The game's one piece of DLC was a free preorder-exclusive Yoshimitsu costume designed by Penny Arcade, the voucher for which said it would be a timed exclusive that they would put up for sale later. They never did.

That's even worse. That's way worse... Although I guess it's a positive sign for his eventual general release, based on precedent...

That was the follow-through animation of the successful Critical Edge attack. "Critical Edge" is a new term, but it describes an old concept commonly known as an "Ultra" in Street Fighter. Unblockables, as kyuubireign explained, are a specific and completely unrelated type of move. This is not subjective. Narcisse

That was a Critical Edge attack, not an unblockable. You can tell it's blockable, because his first attempt at it gets blocked at 3:03. The only unblockable he attempts in the video is the wrist-mounted gun, which never connects, and whiffing is not my idea of "pulling it off."

I'd get behind that.

He used the unblockable hidden gun a couple times, but he never connected with it, so he never "pulled it off" by any definition I'm willing to entertain.

Because some of us actually like Soul Calibur because it's Soul Calibur, not because of the characters they're forced to throw in as marketing tricks, to entice most of the idiots replying to this thread.

There's an entire character exclusive to the collector's edition of the game: Dampierre. And if you think they'll release the collector's edition content in the marketplaces later, then clearly you weren't a fan of Soul Calibur IV or Tekken 6.