Phil Bond

*Showing off a brand-new build with four characters that no-one's ever seen played.*

"When I became a man, I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness, and the desire to appear very grown-up." -C.S. Lewis

The multiplayer was too unbalanced and broken to be usable. If you don't know what "completely unbalanced" means in a fighting game: it means that if you want to compete at a high level, you can't just use your favorite character. You have to pick one of the top three best characters, because there are "best"

Every time someone calls "Pokémon the Movie: 2000" "the Pokémon movie" as though it was the only one or even the first, my eye twitches and my stomach rumbles.

The "Klassic" DLC packs for Mortal Kombat, of which there are four, contain exactly zero additional characters for the game. As the name implies, the "Klassic" content consists of nothing but retro-inspired costumes and fatalities. Mostly just costumes, most of which are free.

You only hear Saria's Song outside the Forest Temple. Inside, it's the Forest Temple Theme. Pretty sure that's what you're referring to.

You seem madder than I am. Also: who are you quoting? Also: the guy typed six paragraphs, and that's all you got out of it? Also: when a person puts silly thoughts out in a public forum, angry mobs are a thing that happens, and it's not the mob's fault they're compelled to respond to bullshit with honesty. Also: if

You're both spelling "Beatles" wrong. It's a pun. Involving the word "beat."

I like how non-fans seize on any legitimate criticism they stumble on, and use it to start making broad negative generalizations about a series and its fans. Gamers have two paths into adulthood regarding Zelda: play a Zelda game when you're young, or miss the hype boat for so long that you make it an aspect of your

Just add detail. Just Like Ocarina of Time. And port those more detailed versions to the Wii U, so I can play them in HD.

I've definitely never seen a Cyberconnect2 project before, but everything you say about them sounds really exciting. I had heard that Mortal Kombat's story mode would be influential, and I fully approve of that. Thanks for your insight. I really appreciate it.

Cyberconnect2? This is news to me, and that's saying something. I just looked them up on the Wikipedia and the Googles. You like them? What are your favorite past projects of theirs? What are your expectations of Soul Calibur 5, knowing that they're involved?

That's okay. Most hardcore fans don't know either. It's not really fashionable for fighting game fans to give a shit about the stories, even when they're actually pretty good.

Is... is Link gonna hurt Valoo?

Yes, and his name has always been Aeon Calcos. He's only been playable in Soul Calibur 1 and 4, even though other lizardmen were playable in SC2, and were unplayable but still seen in SC3. Interestingly, every time Aeon Calcos appears it's with a different weapon. First it was a Sophitia-style sword and shield, then

Questions of balance?!

I guess I wouldn't exactly mind if this were true, but wouldn't it kind of be tantamount to Nintendo releasing their games on someone else's platform? The number one thing that they've always said they'd die before doing?

No, that's never stopped it from changing hell to he'll.

That one factor is what invalidates the whole project for me. Part of my job is looking out for mismanaged aspect ratios, so I get angry just looking at this thing.

Watch out for those plural nouns, Fahey. They'll get ya.