Can I get my Dianese leathers in brown?
Can I get my Dianese leathers in brown?
RIP Nicky. Always enjoyed that guy’s enthusiasm and skill.
False! Not making babies is the single biggest way to reduce your environmental impact.
A bottle of crown royal will (should) warm any man’s heart.
Always remember: police are legally allowed to lie to you in order to obtain an arrest or a conviction.
He was committing suicide, not using violence against civilians to further an ideological objective.
That’s a stupid reason.
As stated by others, terrible journalism. I can’t believe we have to explain this to you. Cover the race and the turns that come with it. Not just the deaths. To think someone pays you to write this crap.
Its been said before but I will say it again. If you are going to cover the IOM TT do something other than just cover the fatalities. Don’t ignore the extreme risk and the fatalities that are part of it but there are other aspects to this.
I was polite last week, but this time you don’t deserve it. Gutter journalism of the worst sort. No reporting whatsoever on the racing. But at least this time I can expect it coming from you, Stef was more of a disappointment.
The NRA cemented their bullshit “2nd Amendment defense” posture by failing to demand justice for Philando Castile, a law-abiding gun owner in an open-carry state who was murdered by the St. Anthony, MN Police Department.
This is one of the things that perplexes me about the left today. We’ve got this government who is spying on us at unprecedented levels, classifying information at unprecedented levels, murdering civilians in other countries we haven’t declared war with using drones, starting wars for the most dubious reasons…
No no, because HamNo wants the GOV’T to overthrow the rich and then distribute their ill-gotten gains out to him. You don’t expect him to actually do the dirty work, do you? What HamNo doesn’t realize is that in his fantasy, the so-called intellectuals, no matter how poor, go on the pile just as easily as the…
“There’s three types of people,” Willeford said. “There’s sheep. There’s sheepdogs. And there’s wolves.”
people who violate the right of way rules to “let someone go” out of “kindness”
The Virago is truly something special. How such an incredibly ugly stock bike can be the basis for some of the coolest customs ever just blows my mind. See also, Honda CX series.
The invention of a time machine which enables me to go back and rewrite their entire business philosophy, especially their whole pro-confederate branding. News of their potential recovery saddens me, and I am pinning my hopes on them still managing to screw it up somehow; just like everything else they’ve ever…
I hope Harley goes out of business. I hate their bikes, and loathe most of their clientele.
Nothing, except molest us, our children, and steal our shit.
How about just no TSA and go back to what it was before with just metal detectors. Why do we need the TSA? What have they done for us?