Cal Crashlow

Ugh, it actually seems like coverage has recently improved somewhat. I (mostly) retract my statement. =(

Quartararo already has Rossi’s seat for 2021-22, and it’s all but certain that Rossi is going to Petronas. Of the few places for Dovi could land for 2021, none of them are going to be anywhere near as competitive as factory Ducati, unfortunately.

As usual, Jalopnik only covers motorcycle racing when there is an extraordinary crash, injury, or death. It is arguably the most exciting motorsport there is, yet these are the only times you can be bothered. It would be better if you just didn’t. Ghouls.

That's Tetsuya Nagashima.

No one considering participating in real road racing (such as the TT) is reading Jalopnik, I promise you.

A lot of hot takes here from the nannies who’ve probably not thown a leg over, let alone turned a throttle in anger.

Thanks for publishing this. Motorcycle road racing interest and viewership has been waning for many years in the US, to the point of being in a possibly unrecoverable death spiral. I hope to see Jalopnik/Lanesplitter provide more coverage throughout the season, not just when the series makes its (now) sole stop in the