“If it’s old enough to bleed...” -Curt Schilling
“If it’s old enough to bleed...” -Curt Schilling
If they want to make it a rule, then make it a rule, like in high school. This goddamn unwritten rule bullshit is so childish.
If we had licensing for journalists, then we’d have the government in charge of deciding who is and is not a journalist... Hard to guess which asshole politician would abuse that power to silence their critics first, but it’d take about five minutes.
The bike analogy fails because selling a bike is not a constitutionally protected behavior. Publishing true facts is mentioned explicitly in the First Amendment and creates different legal standards, or at least that’s how case law has looked at it for generations...
no, because the nurse/employer is a health care provider and subject to hippa.
don’t hold the Braves’ money-grubbing, real-estate driven, white-flight inspired flee to the ‘burbs against the Olympics. Near-daily use as a baseball venue for 20 years is pretty good utilization of a major Olympic structure.
Things like awarding the Olympics to dictators and the near-miss on wrestling are perfect examples of behavior that is stupid and counterproductive, but not exactly corrupt.
You know, I really don’t get the equivalence between FIFA and the IOC that constantly bubbles up in the comments. the IOC is many things — clueless, tone deaf, ridiculous — but has had comparatively little illegal behavior proven or even alleged.