
I think McGregor’s argument, phrased rather awkwardly, is that if he goes back into training and wins his next fight, he can keep main eventing so he can keep making boatloads of cash whereas if he’s constantly promoting fights and losing because he can’t train properly due to promotional commitments, he won’t be

Boaty McBoatface.

They've had similar problems at the Air Force Academy with the Honor Code. I can't remember her name, but there is an officer who recently finally got her degree from the Academy. She was sexually assaulted, and a few weeks before graduation was found to be guilty of an honor violation. If I remember correctly, her

If he had written, “Thanks for all the fish.” I would be much more worried.

And baby showers, which are one million times worse than weddings.

So is this Russian guy a good influence sort or what? Idk why, but I've got a soft spot for Lindsay and I just want her to do well.

I feel really bad for Khloe. I think she really does love Lamar and loving someone that you can’t be with (for whatever reason) really really really sucks.

Blac Chyna, a former stripper, is now a very successful video and men’s magazines model - a “glamour model,” in industry parlance. Basically what this means is that she is photogenically sexy, and people are willing to pay her for that. She also owns a makeup brand, online boutique, and beauty salon.

Ok, so I had a bunch of white people telling me how minorities should vote for Bernie because he’s obviously so good for us and why can’t we just realise that??!!

No see, that’s different, because getting my nails done cheaply is something I actually benefit from. Women should be exchanging sex with men for social stability and value, and a share in his property and assets, or out of love and affection, or just general horniness. If some upstart hussy exchanges it with men for

“ I kept losing my underwater stool every time I went to piss, but nobody else was getting up.”

Anna, get this kid to do a Jez post!

As an anecdote, I don’t doubt that your friend has it very difficult. I work in STEM also, and often feel very alienated (I’m not beautiful by any means, but I am a female) and subject to particular kinds of harassment and belittlement women in other fields might not experience. I’m sorry she’s had to endure the type

Well just off the top of my head. Expectations on the kind of music one can listen to, the races one can date, the assumption on religion one practices. Assumptions on what political views one may hold on race. Expectations on slang and dialect. It’s definitely not worse in the US to be white but much like how

Puuuhleeeeaaaase make this a regular thing it has given me more joy than I had any right to expect even on a Friday

WHOA I just realized we went an entire day without a Trump article, this has been wonderful

Golf is fantastic, everybody knows this. I’ve got lots of friends who play golf, they all tell me it’s great. The best. It’s the best sport ever. These men out there golfing are real athletes. You can ask anybody.

THIS! So much this. Men stare at you like you have 17 heads when you suggest they change their last name to hers if it is so damn important that they both have the same name. I literally had one guy say "I couldn't change my name! Its who I am!" with absolutely no sense of irony whatsoever. They just totally expect

I have no plans of ever changing my last name (why would I? the whole concept is so weird to me) and people love to bring up the “well you wouldn’t have the same last name as your kids” thing. 1. I don’t want kids, but thanks for the assumption, 2. who the fuck cares? and 3. why the hell wouldn’t they? I would be the

This shit seems incredibly lame and unfunny for the reception it’s getting everywhere. like, “Ted 2"-level bad; maybe worse because it’s so openly proud of itself for not really being that clever