
I agree with you! We’re reading these articles with our grownup brains at our grownup jobs with our grownup life experiences.... This poor girl had experienced way, way too much life craziness that NOONE is ready for, let alone a squishy brain still developing. I’m sure somewhere was a guy thinking, “Wait a tick,

There’s a magic point where you can’t say, “I really like you, but you made a decision to reproduce in what you thought was a healthy, long-term relationship and surprise, it wasn’t! And now you have to be punished for your mistakes....”

I’m really glad I met someone who’s walking the same walk as me! It’s a lonely one, isn’t it? Do you have any experience or advice in dealing with the ex-wife? She’s good most of the time, but occasionally it’s horribleness thrown towards me and towards him. For the most part, I’m pretty thick-skinned, but the drama

Thanks for sharing! I made the mistake of Googling stepfamilies (I’m a long term planner, what can I say?), and those feelings are really normal and natural. It’s weird to think we have to “compete” for love and affection against mini-humans because love isn’t this finite resource that there’s only a small amount to

Thanks for the encouragement! They are really good kids... they are 4, 5, 7, so they are just STOKED for any adult who’ll play with them. His relationship with their Mom goes from okay-to-toxic, depending on what’s going on. I’m learning the hardest part is giving up that opportunity to have a baby based on economics

I date a single Dad with three kids, and the youngest is the spitting image of the ex-wife. Obviously I can’t do anything about it and have never spoken up, but it hurts on some weird, primal level... and since he already has three kids and is not a millionaire, we’ll never have a fourth. It’s a weird but constant

I think about this stuff all the time! A few weeks ago I was running in a state park in Alaska. It’s gorgeous, peaceful, well-maintained, free... and with plaques detailing the horrific battle between the Tlingit and the Russians that left scores of people badly mutilated, cemented the Native genocide, and changed the

I’m no world famous musician/dancer, but I’m exhausted bouncing into fake events and parties of people I barely know and having to keep up the facade. I don’t blame Justin at all. I just have less strangers to whine about it to.

I know an Alexander who married an Alix... and I’m not positive which Alex is what Alix.

Whoaaaa! I wish I could send your entire family pizza and know you’re having a regular, boring family movie night and eating ice cream together and get a whole night where this drama goes away. Yikes!

I want to blow a whistle here and throw down a flag. Like... both of these girls were paid to live and have sex with someone they might not choose to. They were both under a lot of stress adn their “normal” has got to be messed up! Holly’s moved on, can’t Kendra move on? It should be seen like escaping a cult.

Oh my stars oh my stars oh my stars.... I hope you’re okay.

I feel the same way. I have a boyfriend with three kids, and I wonder to myself why on earth one would have all these kids (two were planned, one was an accident) and I don’t think there’s anything that special in me that NEEDS to be passed on. That said, they sure are fun to play with.

God this true. I’m pretty sure my dog things his name is “Damn dog”, but he’s greying up and not as fast as he used to be and oh man that day he crosses the rainbow bridge... I can’t think about it.

I read the book after falling in love with Season 1... yeah, these aren’t even the same leagues of stories.

I resemble that remark : /

Here’s my thing... if you wanted to watch randos, wouldn’t you go to any of the free websites? I have no idea who YACHT is, so they vs. any other couple would be meaningless to me.

The issue is that children are expensive, and since I make at least twice what he makes (... he’s not a techie), I would be paying for his three kids and then Kid #4. He also doesn’t have the same earning potential I do. And four kids is a lot to manage, especially if it’s four kids under ten! Most of the time it

I’m with you. I’m dating someone with three kids (he’s 30, kids are 4, 5, and 7) and a LTR with him means I’ll never have children and there will be the whole step-parent dynamic to deal with. The permanence of my biological clock scares the hell out of me. I feel like I should be doing productive things, like looking

I’m 31 and have a boyfriend with three kids, and while we’re not getting married anytime soon, I know a LTR with him means I’ll never have a family. I don’t have that massive biological urge to pump out a baby, but I’m terrified I’ll miss out on something... like, him and I will break up after I’ve passed my fertility