
Exactly. It's a sad song expressing regret. Not sure what the moan and groan in this post is about.

I think you’re right. And that sentiment, “I wish I’d known...” is only a subtext of the song. It’s more just a sad song about all the lives we could have lived, firsts and lasts. I think it’s fucking beautiful, but, whatever, people like to hate on country music for (supposedly) being simple.

Look, feminists. I love us. We’re a great bunch, for the most part. But Christ on a cracker, are we literal and judgmental when it comes to song lyrics. Everything is always taken to the nth degree, to the worst possible interpretation. Couldn’t this song just be about someone who’s taking a look back on her life and

I’m hugging you, but I’m hitting you! So you know, no homo!

they probably didn’t have any classes in roller skating, unicycle riding, or pic-a-nic basket stealing, so he was “I’m outta here, losers!”

Will you still get to keep your gavel and robes?

I’ve been eventually dumped or rejected or made to feel like shit in some capacity by almost every dude I’ve ever fucked or wanted to fuck and yet somehow I’ve managed to never mass murder

I can’t imagine what the friends and family of all those wounded and killed are going through today. I can’t begin to comprehend what his mother is going through today. Thoughts and prayers for everyone effected by this.

He definitely doesn’t think he deserves me. My other frustration with him is that he’s riddled with insecurities about things that don’t matter at all to me (his financial situation, for instance.) And he’s always projecting those insecurities onto me, and so now in retrospect, I feel like I’ve led him on when I’ve

“She a big girl dog, yeah I’m putting in, I’m penetrating, I’m getting big, yeah I’m stimulated.”

It’s even more fundamental than that when you take into consideration the amount of gun-related suicides we have in this country. A suicidal thought is powerful but ultimately fleeting; just ten minutes of trying to find the right pills or rope can make you reconsider. A gun though? Instantaneous. Immediate.

I felt similarly for one second and then I caught myself self-reflecting. Firstly, america has got to stop ASAP with the butthurt feelings of being called out for shitty, duggarish behavior. See: worst to be called a racist then to actually be a racist. People are really defensive RN and need to deal with the

NFL: you abused the sacred ball and we will flatten you with our justice hammer

I am a pastor and trained in exorcism. It has less to do with male power and more to do with people not dealing with psychological problems. I can’t count how many people have come to me thinking they have demonic problems and instead have a misdiagnosed psych issue or have stopped taking their meds. I have also seen

Why wait for a hurricane, Kristen?

How to start your day like Mocena:

That is completely how I feel. I’ve decided that now instead of re-sharing or yelling about some current event that is appalling, I’m going to try to do something about it. So I’m donating to the Urban League or NAACP when I start to feel mad about racial inequality, or I donate to Planned Parenthood when Republican

I wish we could have a nuanced conversation about the reasons behind suicide. I wish that people could understand that it might actually be a valid choice and not the result of mental illness all the time.

He needs to. They all need to. We do not need to be in the middle of their drama. In the end these two dudes just look like they’re trying to ride her fame and neither of them is going to win this. She needs to drop them both completely and throw out a new mixtape. Her credibility is being called into question because

Paging the Honorable Judge Brown....