Unfortunately unsurprising that someone who proudly and publicly declares his belief that women are objects would follow it up by treating women like objects.
Unfortunately unsurprising that someone who proudly and publicly declares his belief that women are objects would follow it up by treating women like objects.
I think he's rather frustrated himself. Only explanation I can come up with. And it's not just that he puts rape scenes in, or even that he uses them for shock value, it's that most of his female characters are there purely to be used and abused as lust objects. It's...rather disturbing at times.
And Kick Ass. And The Unfunnies.
No kidding. This quote in particular got to me "but rape is a rare thing in comics and is seldom done in an exploitative way."
Hey! Those weren't legitimate rapes. So, they don't count.
Interesting website, I went over to the author responds page and Millar of all people chimes in, hypocritical as fuck, saying that while sexualized violence is an issue, male heroes have been through bad things too. Seriously Millar? Come on, I read wanted and kick ass, and feel that those (especially Kick Ass 2, with…
I'm very much okay with this.
You must be fucking kidding me. I teach highschool; by the time they graduate they should know the difference between right and wrong. By second year uni they should have enough maturity and life experience to not only know the difference between right and wrong, but to speak out against wrongdoing when they see it.…
Very well said.
I can't nail things down as well as I'd like, to be honest.
This makes me fucking furious. I hope they find the frosh leaders responsible and expel them. And NO, I don't think that's too harsh. These kids are old enough to vote and drink, they're old enough to know how wrong and offensive this is. Disgusting.
I do get your point, and while I don't see eye-to-eye with you, I must admit that this isn't a debate I care to have in this format.
Some yes, some no. Going back to Dr. Light & The Elongated Man's wife, that was all basically on-panel, some of it from the rapist's POV.
I tried explaining this once.
Yeah, and I've seen salespeople falling over teenagers who were clearly too young to have actual jobs. But they were white, and assumed to have mommy and daddy's credit cards.
What the fuck is wrong with you? I came here to have a conversation with someone who I felt has gone through the same thing and yes I was annoyed when you insinuated it was something else, because I would really like to not be questioned as to the validity of my feelings when I feel someone is flat out being RACIST…
Yes based on our appearance, based on our race. I feel I was very clear about why I felt discriminated against because I was commiserating with the OP about the fact that in some stores we feel like we do not get service because we are black. I really do not give a shit if that employee works on commission because…
I don't see why anyone would have any valid reason to assume a 26 year old cannot afford something.
Yea, it's funny how people can just assume that how they get treated is how you get treated.