Yup. Don’t. Yuh been there and done that and lived to tell the tale (much obliged).
Nice cats-man already told you: he can’t protect you anymore.
Yup. Don’t. Yuh been there and done that and lived to tell the tale (much obliged).
Nice cats-man already told you: he can’t protect you anymore.
In 1989 I bought a 1-bed top-floor apartment in a converted Victorian (19th century) house in south London, England.
Wow. If this had been submitted earlier, it likely would have been one of the winners: scary, touching, sad and chilling. I’m surprised y’all lasted that long in a house with that much really obvious other-realm weirdness.
Whoa. This was a great story, I’m so glad you shared! I loved this very much. Spooky stuff that.
I have a Google sheet I created last year with stories for anyone who kept losing their place in the queue due to the auto refresh https://docs.google.com/document/d/1j2ky_p2wnu_0jsCcVkxrkX7Mj_oM8ZmXHJmgvtOuJ-M/edit?usp=sharing
As a person who has lived all their life in Latin America and thus almost every movie being subtitled in a movie theater, it’s INSANE to me that anybody can complain about it.
During the Irish potato famine people on the coast complained about being reduced to eating oysters and mussels and seaweed, instead of proper food like bacon and potatoes.
Not even then, going by her protagonist's track record...
Are you kidding? Patriarchy absolutely effects male victims. When the rapist is a woman, people (usually other men) tell the victim he's lucky. Because in patriarchy, men are always up for sex and women are always the sexual gatekeepers. This is particularly prevalent when female teachers rape male students.
Neglectful parents - "I taught you how to be self sufficient!"
Welcome back to Behind Closed Ovens, where we take a look at the best and strangest stories from inside the food…
It's utter horseshit.... The artist is trying to paint himself as some kind of sexy crusader, offering a shocking solution, instead of admitting that he's part of the exploitation problem.
Also to pay him lots of money for these stolen images so that they can hang them in their houses and stare at theses stolen images at their pompous leisure.
A friend of mine was terrified that this was going to happen to her once. Was driving home alone late at night, got pulled over by a cop along a quiet stretch of road. He came over to the car and was immediately wildly inappropriate. "Pretty girl like you shouldn't be driving alone late at night, where are you going?"
The poor guy didn't even commit a crime, other than being hopped up on meth. If he hadn't called 911 because of his paranoia, he'd be alive.
I've always thought this. Especially when the point of one's job depends on maintaining the law at all costs, when police officers violate that law, their punishments must be more severe than the average civilian.
Yep. And I'm sure no one will be shocked to hear that wrongful-death suit was filed against Holtzclaw and his fellow officers after they used excessive force against an unarmed black man.
Well, at least now I know I'm not a paranoid psycho for being terrified of this exact thing happening.