
That was my read on it. Or she did know beforehand and just wanted to be onstage in the Oscars even if she is the butt of the joke.

Do you think maybe she didn’t understand what she signed up for until it was too late and that’s what that weird giggling was about?

Finally. Stacey Dash and I have something in common.

It’s the face you make when someone accidentally drops a sexual innuendo in a super-serious office meeting and you want to laugh but you look around the room and realize you might be the only one who picked up on it... From here on out can we just call that the Stacy Dash?

I’m 100% sure she did not get the joke.

That track and field joke. Chris Rock is living his best life and I am so glad I get to witness it.

How many times do people need to be told that the inherent implication behind black lives matter IS all lives matter?!?!

Oh, shit. This is the most I’ve ever liked Zuckerberg. That third paragraph is quite succinct and effective.

As opposed to her flower crown, deck of cards fascinator, or a banana. (“Is that a banana on your head or are you just an asshole?)

This is the best thing I’ve read all week.

As a person previously ambivalent to Beyoncé, I enjoyed the song and the video immensely. If it’s *not your taste* that’s one thing. If it strikes fear into your white heart... I don’t know what to tell you.

Is he not the coolest? Direct confrontation or shade, Obama gets it in.

I googled “Justin Trudeau selfie” in an effort to prove you wrong, but it looks like even someone with his bone structure can’t pull it off...

I appreciate your willingness to write a story that reflects deep ambivalence. I think there isn’t enough of that anymore (everything is always strident and polarized) but you did a great job sitting with the murkiness of what this all means about Bowie’s legacy.

“ can understand how Lori Maddox could have possibly developed not just a sincere desire to fuck adult men but the channels to do it basically in public; why an entire scene encouraged her, photographed her, gave her drugs that made all of it feel better, loved her for it, celebrated her for it, for years. You

This is a well-written, thought-provoking article.

I have a lot of red flags and I don’t particularly care that excludes a lot of men. I’ve learned enough about myself to know what I can and can’t deal with.

I usually request a phone date before I meet someone from an online dating site, which usually weeds out the crazies before I waste putting on my good makeup. My red flags usually deal with misogyny (not respecting what I do for a living, interrupting or mansplaining, etc.).

Doesn’t file their Tax Return. Briefly dated two different guys in two different states who never filed because “they always get money back anyways.”