

Nicholas Sparks’ house is filled with paintings by Thomas Kinkade.

So much of it just comes down to unconscious bias. People see two resumes (or portfolios, or bodies of work, or whatever) and automatically privilege the white guy’s without even realizing they’re doing it. They honestly believe they’re picking the most qualified candidate; they just don’t realize how much race and

I’m DYING. Clearly you need to jump on that mentorship program, because I can imagine Samantha Bee monologuing the shit out of this.

if it was then wouldn’t gawker have done it already

You know I’m torn on this! As a woman and person of color it’s great for ME. I mean how nice will it be to just be handed a high paying writers gig without doing any work at all or having any talent, you know? I could call up a few late night shows and have a job tomorrow, no resume or writing samples required!

Everyone PLEASE watch her show and make it a success. It would be horrible if a show that’s doing so many things right failed.

So, basically, it’s like everytime you try to have a faculty meeting. Everyone is never free on the same night.

You are brave and awesome. (I felt it was important to say that in light of the idiot troll who has also responded to you. Please ignore him and know that decent people have your back.)

“I sure hope — we’re in Bernie Sanders’ backyard here in New Hampshire — I sure hope he intends to show up in his neighboring state”...“There is nothing worse than a debate about debates.”

I remember reading about a study of college rapists and they had an average of 6 victims each. Even if victims don’t go to the police, they can still warn other women they know. It will be harder for predators to operate when they develop a bad reputation.

As a woman who didn’t speak of being raped to my friends let alone the police prior to the Cosby publicity, I can attest that the public spotlight on the issue made it much easier to broach the subject with friends. In turn this resulted in me finding out that more than one of my friends had experienced similar

Hooray, progress! Next on the to-do list:

Yay cops are being trained to treat rape victims/survivors as human beings!

Kudos to those brave women who dared to stand.

Looking forward to buying records at the Spotify brick and mortar store!

When I think of the # of independent bookstores that have been pushed out of business or are on their last legs right now because of Barnes and noble and Amazon, I could just cry. I have really enjoyed Amazon as an online shopping place over the last 20 years—but there’s a thin line between a successful business and a

Now that Amazon has driven all the bookstore competition out, that market can be profitable again.

This woman is a true hero. I should celebrate by sending her pictures of my genitals, right?