
How have I not heard of this? I lived in DC for about 2 years in few years ago in my early twenties and although I was living with my then-boyfriend the entire time, dating there seemed like the most bizarre, painful thing possible. A little like just having a regular social life there...

What on Earth do you have to lose? He's leaving on Monday anyhow. Text him!

It sounds a little to me like you might be selling yourself short (current boyfriend with issues for whom you only have lukewarm feelings, ex who plays with you from whom you can't seem to move on, etc.) because your self-esteem is suffering due to your frustrating job search situation. The havoc unemployment wreaks

I live and work in Pioneer Square and spend a lot of time thinking about our community here...and...just...RAGE BLINDNESS

Silly man-person, that was upholstery fabric. Couldn't you tell by the subdued color palette, dense weave, stiff drape, and large-scale pattern repeat?? #curating

Is Memphis really a "small town"?

I'm just here sending you hugs. I have never experienced infertility—though I plan to have children, it's not time to act on it quite yet. I have some friends and family members who have been through fertility treatments—one close friend was just 23 when she realized she was having trouble conceiving, and so many

Oh! I'm in a similar boat. I moved earlier this year. I had heard vaguely that where I now live is a notoriously tough city to make friends in, but didn't really take that very seriously. I've moved quite a few times around the country since I first left for college, and am friendly and open and have never had much

Good self-awareness you got there. It's pretty tough not to be guilty of this type of thinking at some point or other as a relatively privileged person who may or may not also care about stuff—I find myself there frequently—but it's so worth trying to break out of it ASAP.

You guys. She has a first-person piece in the October issue of Glamour (don't you dare judge me; we all need our brain candy) and it's...not good. Just read it.

Thank you for sharing this. I work in the nonprofit sector and am continually stunned by the egos on some of my colleagues. The power struggles are just as bad (if not worse) than they are in the most cutthroat reaches of the corporate world, except it is worse because it's not just about money and status—it's about

Pregnancy took you from a C to a K?! I'm an (unpregnant) DDD. Terrifying.

Perfectly said.

(I often pray that I will cry, "More!")


"I don't know if I would still be alive in some ways if it wasn't for Paula"

Book deal/movie deal wherein she is played by Zooey Deschanel + exposure for their many, many typeface-designer friends.

Sadly, though UCLA is definitely more expensive both due to having well-thought-of medical care and to be fancy, most long-term impatient care will run you a cost like you wouldn't believe and maybe, possibly be partially covered if you plead nicely with your insurance company and most often if you shell out cash

I'm reading the Wikipedia entry now! There's an award-winning theatrical adaptation out there. I...really would like to see the play. Oh, good lord, I forgot about the fat piano teacher with the attractive boyfriend. And I was right about Jett! And Nashville!