
Yes, that's true of Sweden: some of the parental leave is contingent on the father taking advantage of paternity leave; if he does not within a certain timeframe both parents end up with less. Some of leave must be used within a shorter period of the time after the birth but some can be used significantly further down

I was wondering what in the everloving hell "fake hair streaks" could be and then I looked at the image again. Those are they. Fake. (Hair...?) Streaks.

I am the same way. My least favorite is one of those three-hour summer brunches when you're sitting outside in the sun and drinking a shit-ton of strong coffee because refills. Maybe you even were out late drinking last night. I'm not generally a fan of sitting in a restaurant with a large group forever and ever so

Well, I'm glad our building isn't just defective. Seriously, though - it concerns me that all the folks in the transitional housing, missions, and day centers in the neighborhood almost certainly do not have the luxury of AC. And the club music is ridiculous. No one bothers abiding by the noise ordinances because they

At least you have sunlight to go along with your heat! Our studio apartment in Pioneer Square has three tall windows...that all face the narrowest possible alley. Sometimes for about six minutes in the morning we get a little direct natural light. Yet somehow the building still heats up in a flash and takes weeks to

I'm realizing now that there is a lede image and feeling more dumb about it. Her eyes are pretty intense and are definitely the most prominent part of this mashup!

Am I the only one that initially thought this was just a portrait of the groom (because I don't know what he looks like)? Still merited a massive, massive double take. Maybe a triple take. Don't get me wrong.

I recall the Cosmo guide to taking a shower being even more idiotic. I think they recommended using a paint brush to shave your legs! How long much time to beauty editors block out in the morning to shower?

The whole interview with Paris (including shots of her/her home taken by Sophia Coppola) is in the July Vogue. She has throw pillows printed with her own face everywhere - like, three per sofa. It's pretty priceless.

I have watched Juana la virgen and it was pretty darn diverting. I'm not sure if any of it — the fun, the plot, etc. — will translate to a CW version, though. I assume they are going for a fairly loose adaptation.

I instantly thought of the Allure sticker, too. With all the other "Best Of" awards from magazines to has Allure kept this apparent (maybe I've never noticed six other stickers on my sunblock, I dunno) monopoly on the sticker thing? Doe Allure have a legally protected right to put their beauty award

Agreed agreed agreed.



"Interboob" has a nice ring to it! ("Intraboob"? I'm confusing myself now.)

You are just the best! "Neighbors"! That is just too good not to co-opt for my own sing-alongs.

I think you are right to suspect that retailers believe (know?) that women who wear smaller sizes spend more money per capita on clothing and that they will spend it in a bricks-and-mortar store. However, considering the tremendous number of plus-size women in the country and the fact that they all each spend at least

He owns a vacation home right next to a family member's. I guess we'll be seeing him there a lot more often? ...Unless he sells it?

"Horror fan"? They wrote fiction (for the most part - Iris Chang was a historian); their lives and deaths were very real. So are the feelings of the relatives that survive them.

Wow, thank you so much for linking to that film. It looks incredible.