Oof. Bubble hem dress + square toe pilgrim pumps?? What is this, 2004? The lipstick print stuff is cute; good luck looking stylish in the rest of it.
Oof. Bubble hem dress + square toe pilgrim pumps?? What is this, 2004? The lipstick print stuff is cute; good luck looking stylish in the rest of it.
I agree. Still a fan; I actually think whatever random crap he says is Important or at least socially revealing. And then I just marvel at the ways social media and celebrity worship have changed how we consume art.
Percautios = precautious = cautious = careful
C’monnn, it would’ve been a totally self-serving, egocentric gesture. Perfection.
Seriously asking, why do you think that is the point of art?
Loved! This! Thank you for sharing, Anonymous. Hope you spent your $100 on a decent massage. He shoulda given you the new album at least!
Hmmm well. Isn't it amazing how everyone can experience art differently, I guess.
Right. Taylor Swift should be a footnote here. I can’t with that chick and the oblivious white feminist fandom she cultivates. No matter how annoying this lyric is, it is not the story.
I don’t even get that reference... What am I missing? How is this at all Gaudí? (I’m serious)
Oh man, I do this.
The SF/metro Bay Area transportation situation has been problematic for a while and Uber has positioned itself to take full advantage. As Batey’s article mentions, getting home late(-ish) at night is often fraught, especially for solo women.
Is there a better example of “the internet losing its goddamn mind” than that almost totally innocuous Eater blurb? Cause, like, it seems like you're the one blowing this totally out of proportion.
I never would have clicked even. That photo!
Do you have an opinion that is factual? That was a very emotional post, invoking your father’s heroism and “compassion fatigue” (haha what).
Happy Birthday!!
Oh god, I’ve totally been there. In my case, turned out the guy (who I dated for 2 years and who I was for real in loooove with) WAS actually a dick, despite his many good qualities. My friends didn’t unleash how weird and lame they thought he was until we broke up and at first I felt betrayed, until I realized how…
Infinite hugs to you! That’s beyond a rough patch and while I can’t relate to all of your problems, I know the feeling of falling apart.
I hope we do have children... I think about them a lot already. And I hardly have a handle on my own hair so I’ll absolutely be calling in the aunties for plenty (like I could keep them away).
He looks like he was smoking pot in a swimming pool all day. /jealous
Im a little rusty & google translate is no help but I’m pretty sure this is Chicken for “SAVE ME,,,,, they have eaten MY FAMILY”