
If you voted for Trump—a man, it should be noted, who lost the popular vote by 3 million votes

“Trump has sparked a constitutional crisis, as many Americans wonder if Trump has fundamentally broken our admittedly imperfect system of checks and balances. Many Americans are waking up this morning with a sense of helplessness as we watch the allegedly democratic institutions of the United States unravel.”

Whereas the Clintonistas prefer the Super-predatory blacks, amirite? After all, they can keep ‘em on the plantation of welfare and keep ‘em voting for at least 200 years!

See? I can make stupid, hate-mongering posts too!

I’m black you dumbass

Looks like we were both wrong. Correction to my previous comment: the “single bomb” cost was actually $170K.

Except it’s not a “single bad experience”. My number of bad experiences when calling for a cab *dwarfs* the number of good experiences.

Eff this. If someone wants to give free money to their customers, that’s their business.

IAre these people serious? I was an uber driver in my home town (which has a Big Ten university) for the better part of a year waiting on a job and I heard at least 5 people a week tell me that before uber they used to drive drunk. It’s ridiculously normal in the semi-rural Midwest to do so because of the culture and


Yay another article about Lyft and Uber.

High horses that don’t even transform.

It was the fact that she unmasked them with no proof of illegal activity. A fact that shows her actions were illegal and politically motivated and will of course be conveniently overlooked by liberal media.

Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.

The Gawker dream

My best friend drives for Uber and Lyft, as do a few other friends. No complaints from any of them.

You can keep trying to attack ride-sharing companies all you want. We’re going to keep using them and destroy cab companies forever. FOR EV ER

Hmmm... I’ve not seen a Lyft ad for a while on any of the sites in the Gawkerverse. Coincidence?

much of the shit you just said and suggested is far more racist and sexist than anything in this report. Good job being a dumbass

So your idea is to fight what you seem to see as racism with racism. Holy shit.

Don’t really buy people leaving on their own accord, especially the execs who have so many options ready to kick-in after some uber-billion-dollar IPO. More like folks getting pushed out and I’m sure the Uber C-level will spin it as the company getting “smarter and leaner” ahead of going public.