
Ah didn’t take long for someone who couldn’t get there candidate in the white house to squeeze some Trump voter insults in. Raises hand... Trump voter here champ who lives in CA, I’d like to invite you to lunch with a friend of mine who owns strip clubs from the Grape Vine to the border. The guy is as left as it gets,

“There’s a reason why dirtbike racing is associated with flat-bill wearing tattooed chinless douche-bros driving jacked up chromed out brodozers ..”

Your post was most entertaining and this was the cherry on top

Last year I provided IT support for an autism therapy organization, Jan 1 they went out of business due to issues with insurance providers. The providers continued to change requirements regarding therapy reporting and techniques. I created the system therapists used in the field to record therapy info, it provided

This is about advertisers/sponsors demeaning women in a male dominated (both viewing and participating) sport right? What is the solution? Sponsors want to draw in the largest portion of the audience which is men, sex sells so there you go. Changing this requires more women in the sport (both viewing and

My first reaction to your racists and sexist comment “Oh, to be a privileged (uninformed) white male...” was to list in no less than five languages “Your mother has relations with donkeys”. Since you are clumping all us white males together I’m just going with “yup, too bad we own and control everything”.

Here’s a new spin on being called an asshole. If you didn’t take 5 minutes to do a search on the law in the riders area about passing on a double yellow and continued to call the rider an asshole at any level you are an asshole at the highest level. 10 mph under the speed limit allows for passing, Crum was going 20

Try understanding the law before you label the rider an asshole. In the riders area the law states that when coming upon someone driving 10mph below the speed limit you are allowed to pass on a double yellow. Crum was going 20mph below. This is why the rider’s ticket for passing on a double yellow was thrown out. The

It’s Cheaper To Maintain A Used Ducati 996 Than You Think.

Doesn’t Uber work fabulously in San Diego? I live in north SD and use it all of the time. And Uber eats? Tell me you have tried Uber eats. Doood, amazing. Have you talked to any drivers here? The doom and gloom you find on Gawkerland sites seem to be localized to these posters. 

1-3 & 8. Changes the image of the company but doesn’t make it any better if you are hiring because of race/gender. Elizabeth Holmes would be a good example.

“Some day, Trump will take an Uber and there will be a special all-caps article that somehow finds a way to use the old Netscape blink HTML code!”

I’m guessing you are talking about the use of the term coined in 1860 about those who were against slavery? I’m sure everyone who uses the term Snowflake is aware of it’s use in 1860 so you have every right to be offended. So just to be clear, stop being a snowflake(circa 2016 not 1860)

The same right any other company has when hiring contractors for jobs. If you work for a competitor at the same time they consider it a conflict of interests.

Nice recycling of that Caillou joke, things you can depend on here in Gawkerland, a steady stream on Uber hate posts and the lazy sheep spouting the same ol crap.

Are you having meetings with upper management? That’s a shady AF looking bunch. Drivers on the other hand at least where I live are awesome, cars are awesome, service is awesome. Did I mention awesome?

Where do you live jvbftw? It seems everyone who legitimately complains about Uber lives in a crappy place with unhappy crappy people. South of LA the service is a beautiful thing. My last Uber the driver had a mini bar with complementary beverages and snacks. I love the service, once a week I Uber and twice a week I

I totally get it but if you use the word before the deed is complete you will be on the receiving end of schadenfreude. Partial schadenfreude is a form of masochistic schadenfreude due to failed predictions.

Schadenfreude was my favorite term after the election! But do not abuse the word, it should only be used after the fact, like the election. You are using it with an assumption that Uber will fail, a prediction. Predictions don’t work for all, like the election.

How insensitive of you. Don’t you realize the CEO is a douche and all of the drivers hate being contractors for them but refuse to find other work. Man, you have to get on the Gawker train and refuse to use this service like the ‘TONS” of Gawker readers do. Oh, and if you know of anyone who doesn’t use Uber have them