
Late, but I'm trying to figure out what this Fiona Apple thing is, cause I want to see her Oh Boo face! When did PTA lose to James Cameron?? I am not seeing any overlapping oscar nominations for the two.

I was expecting Lucy to call in the sheriff and tell him to pat Chad down. It looked like she was onto him, at least.

Oh really? I'm going to have to get that album. I LOVED the song, just hated the autotune. If it was intentional stylistic thing then I can get over it.

Haha, that's a great term. Yeah, here it was used to keep everything in pitch as opposed to intentionally make everything sound like a robot. Plus, if you apply it to someone that actually CAN SING, it's going to sound a lot better than some thin-voiced little manufactured teen popstar. It just still was there and

YES, that was incredibly distracting, basically every single note change was auto-tuned. I wasn't sure if it was an intentional stylistic thing or not. Seemed like not, given all the long notes sounded fantastic.

Ugh, that guy is truly repulsive in every way possible.

Great song, but I kept getting yanked out of it by what sounded like pitch correction on practically every note change :( Stop doing that, people!! (unless you need it, which I doubt someone with a voice like that does)

IMO the first half of War of the Worlds is one of his BEST movies. It was especially scary as hell in the theater. The sound design is great with the huge horn blasts from the tripods, and that scene with the evacuees attacking their van was extremely effective (and bleak). I think it kinda self-destructs when they go

If they'd cast Cara Delevigne instead of Daisy Ridley I am not sure that Star Wars VII would be beloved.

Agreed with all of this. I don't know if I can watch this after watching Delevigne gyrate around so stupidly in Suicide Squad. It's impossible to shake that visual! I think I'll see Planet of the Apes twice instead!

Crystal Skull is debatable. I like some sections of it. I even like the "Nuke the Fridge" scene. It's the massive overuse of CGI (I think the ants and Lebeouf swinging on vines that are the worst) and the weightless climax that really get me.

Yeah, as a MST3K nerd I'd already seen Clonus a couple of times, and when I was subjected to The Island on a flight without ever having read anything about it beforehand my mind was blown. I was relieved when I read there was a lawsuit.

No, but the last guy was great at ensemble directing and we saw how well that turned out!

Man, it's like they WANT to kill the franchise. Take a trash movie made by a fitfully brilliant director, and follow it up with an average at best director - THAT will solve all their problems! A change like this is what I'd expect if part 2 was a netflix original or was going straight to VOD.

AGREED. One of the best ridiculous thrillers of recent years.

Yeah, she was fine. The big problem I had with it was the truly laughable climax. There's definitely nothing there that would scream talented upcoming directorr. The best thing about it were the extraordinarily vivid colors, so he seems like the worst possible choice to direct what will inevitably be another gray

As long as it takes for no one to complain, aka probably forever

It's from 68, and there is plenty of stunning cinematography through the rest of the movie. I'm thinking of the shot of the humans running through the field in particular.

I just watched that this weekend! His scene with the gun in science class is one for the ages.

Did he write ANY of those movies?