
C'mon, there was no way she could have been more fulfilled than by doing stripteases in front of a brain in a glass jar! Especially given the romantic stuff it/he says to her while she does it.

Laura and Rob in High Fidelity?

They originally ended it with her getting with Duckie. The audience reaction was SO negative that they refilmed it with Blane. I think in one of the making-of documentaries they said something like "no one wanted the princess to end up with the frog." OUCH

My favorite part of that montage are all the disgusted looks he gets from the women he walks past, and how he just doesn't notice cause he's SO sure he's a badass.

For the first several episodes I was expecting the other foot to drop, especially with the small hints they'd drop here and there that seemed to insinuate he was uninterested in Cherry's life, but I was relieved in this episode when they unambiguously confirmed he was a great guy. I've just seen way too many shows

Yeah…I kind of agree. That rap stuff made my toes curl, and the way it was introduced was really clunky. Its reintroduction at the end of the episode almost ruined the whole episode for me, just cause I found it so impossible that the audience would do anything other than throw heavy objects at them! I know I sure

If she had any range whatsoever I wouldn't mind so much. She's even the same in interviews.

When Martha Marcy May Marlene came out, I was really hyped to see what she'd do next. Her and Jennifer Lawrence in Winter's Bone seemed like they were both destined for greatness. It's been kinda depressing to see Olsen's career diverge since. Silent House, Liberal Arts, Oldboy, Godzilla, Avengers all sure didn't feel

Untouchables is your favorite? Have you seen all his earlier thrillers? Or most importantly, Phantom of the Paradise?

spoiler> and then /spoiler> after it (obviously put left angle brackets on the word spoiler and before the /)

Well, she did have that fight scene with Gina Carano in one of them.

I think I might have been even more frustrated with what they did with Elena the brazilian cop. She was so damn likable, but basically set her up as a redshirt for multiple movies in a row.

I gritted my teeth and did it in two days. The first four are pretty rough going. 5, 6 and 7 made it all more than worth it. It's entirely possible that I could have just skipped to them and had almost as good of a time, though!

The worst thing about all these articles including that "five republicans came out against it" is that they don't mention that FOUR of those republicans are against it cause it's not evil ENOUGH.

Unfortunately mostly just the first 1/3 of it is filmed in color. As the movie goes along, it gets progressively more Snydery. I'd say over half the movie is in that desaturated blue-gray Snyder-vision. Most of the set photos looked a lot more vivid. Hopefully the sequel is allowed to breathe a bit more!


Yeah, I was too lazy to look it up, but I wondered if the others opened on Friday. Unfortunately, I am sure this will make a lot more than 15 mill on Friday, and when they add up from Wednesday through Sunday it will be on par with the last few. :(

I dunno about that last phrase, check out the Justice League trailer with the upskirt shots in slow-mo.

I checked out almost completely after Nikki died in such an unsatisfying way. She was about the only life this miserable season had. I just rewatched Season 2 last week, and it's shocking how great nearly every single character was. This one…just, blah.

Pff, these four monsters are together like this in a few movies (Ex, Ghidrah the Three-Headed Monster, GMK, Tokyo SOS), Destroy All Monsters would only be if you threw another bunch on top!