
I thought it was only Tibby the Turtle that gave people salmonella?! I really need to rewatch those episodes.

First result on google for Michael Anderson Twin Peaks:

I was very disappointed by it in the theater, apart from the ballsy ending, but I've come across it on basic cable several times, always end up watching it through to the end, and I become more and more fond of it with each viewing. It's no masterpiece, but I like all the stupid humor, and I like most of the action

No way! He's awful! That part with he and Claire Danes have an emotional scene together is one of the worst acting imbalances I've ever seen, she blows him off the screen completely.

Some of the non-traditional scores (aka, some stuff by Junkie XL or Hans Zimmer or even Disasterpeace) contain extremely memorable melodies. I know it's popular to trash that stuff as being basically "scoring by computer," and Hans Zimmer definitely set off a very negative trend in film composing and has done some

Thank you, this headline freaked me out since I didn't know what else he'd done. Back to being hyped!!

Blargh. Well, thank you for the much more detailed perspective. Things like this make me so glad that I haven't had TV the last several years, don't go anywhere that runs news on a TV in the background, and mostly stick to an echo chamber when it comes to my limited Twitter usage. :( I just work in a college in a

I feel like Facebook has eclipsed Youtube for showcasing the worst of humanity. No matter what article is posted anywhere, the top comments will always be some lumpy middle-aged conservative guy saying something horrific. I can't imagine these people are employed, so I guess maybe that will be the one benefit of Trump

Well, that is unfortunate. I still find it frustrating that many of the comments here are just like "ALL OF MONTANA IS GARBAGE" when this was the closest election in recent Montana history and thus obviously a bare minimum of close to half of the state don't support this garbage. From what I read on the likes of NYT

It's entirely possible, but the reverse is also possible. I really haven't seen anyone cheering about the incident, even rank-and-file republicans. Just some of those standard 50ish white guys that have to troll every comment section of every political article on the internet. So basically, this article is just trying

SERIOUSLY. I love how this article leaves that detail out for maximum contempt and outrage. The guy shouldn't have been elected anyway, but if this had happened BEFORE most of the voters had already voted for him, then and only then would the content of this article would be justified.

Shh, don't confront us with MATH

Fire Walk with Me is the best thing in the entire Twin Peaks mythos, so HELL NO. It contains a bit of clarification on some things about the lodge and a slight postscript to the finale as well.

The old review on this site that compared his early appearances to Dana Carvey in Master of Disguise wasn't wrong, though. The couple of times he shows up in disguise are SO bad.

Fire Walk with Me is the crown jewel on top of the series, if you ask me. I think it's superior to any stretch of the series. As soon as the prologue with the agents is over, it's the most painful and focused sustained bit of filmmaking that Lynch has ever done (the final act of Mulholland Drive is comparable, but

I watched the whole thing last week, and my reaction was that you could skip from the episode where the killer is apprehended straight to the finale, and nothing of value would be lost. I like seeing more of Briggs, and there are some occasional decent scenes with the Windom Earle character towards the back end of the

I just watched the show for the first time last week, and that scene knocked me for a loop. It's SO much more powerful than anything else on the show, and indeed practically anything else I've ever seen in a TV show. This article is ridiculous to use that phrase. It also seems like it's been a while since the writer

Yup, I've seen TONS of gore movies and that was the first time I could remember physically flinching in reaction to something. I think the closeup on every stitch coming out made it way too easy to imagine.

Yeah, I remember seeing an episode or two of this, declaring it the worst thing I'd ever seen, and then seeing some interviews with the two of them individually and thinking they were wildly charismatic and FAR funnier than they were on the awful, awful show. Here's hoping for the best for them :(

I just read it a year ago, and already forgot a lot of what happened, but I know there was a part where Patrick Hockstetter was offering to jerk Henry Bowers off, and I feel like there was a group jerk-off session with Henry's gang as well!!