
Her music is extremely unique in that it sometimes seems like the vocal lines are practically improvised and the music is later written around them. The frequently mentioned (by me, on this page) "Joga" is a good example of what I mean. I'm sure they're not actually written that way, but it is a cool impression

I realized in this discussion that I haven't even heard Biophilia. I will do so.

Well, I'm glad that it does! Obviously it hits my ears in a different way than yours. As someone who comes from a purely instrumental background, I tend to completely blank out lyrics and just hear the sonics of the music and the sound of her voice. If that means I'm wrong, then so be it! We both agree she's

I listen to her albums sonically first and lyrically a distant second, I guess.

I can respect that position, but I personally find it cathartic.

Musically it's really dark, yeah.

That's too bad. I loved Vulnicura, and it was easily my favorite since Medulla. I tend to love her most depressing stuff (ex "Joga," "Pagan Poetry," most of Vespertine for that matter). That Vespertine Live DVD is one of my favorite things in the world. I guess I still like some of her lighter songs a lot such as "Who

Gorf on Dolf.

Yeah, I definitely agree with the sentiment in principal, and was consistently let down by the watered-down liberalism of the administration. I, too, HATED the warhawk policy decisions through those years. And yes, Mitch Mcconnell unfortunately seemed to wield the most power in the government at many times through the

Well, I remember hearing on Chapo Trap House a few weeks ago that there needed to be a litmus test for democrats about them supporting single-payer health care or not. Guessing that's where his line came from! I dunno if it's self-defeating or not. I think priority #1 should be winning elections, and get infuriated by

Wake me up when they get Lilly Rabe in a major role. She was the best part of season 3 by a large margin and hasn't gotten to do anything fun since, though at least she was in the last season. Emma Roberts has always been the weakest link.

I'd rate it "above average" but agree with everything else! The Snyder-y slow motion of the action scenes and the awful color-sucked look of everything after the beginning are huge marks against it in my book, not to mention the BvS-reminiscent climax (visually! plotwise it's not nearly as bad).

Yeah that's it, definitely not that it was a huge dramatic blackhole in the middle of the episode with two characters many don't really care about.

Yes. The first time I watched it was when it came out, two years after I'd last seen Casino Royale, and I was deeply unimpressed. A few years later, I watched them back to back, and I appreciated it MUCH more. There's a lot of continuity that works well, but requires detailed memory of CR. I like the nasty revenge

Skyfall messes some things up, especially when they try to throw some grit into it. I HATEHATEHATE everything with them making Severine's past dark and gritty and rape-filled, especially when Bond then pops into her shower afterward!! And then what happens to her afterwards. Ugh.

Are you talking about Twin Peaks or The Professional? Either way, I'm in!

I liked it, it was vastly superior to the GOT deadpool articles every week!

They don't handle it. The kids find their way out of the sewer without having to have an orgy, and they're made more mature and bound more closely together by the horror they went through and overcame.

"Some pretty tragic, dark shit" better not mean Morena Baccarin gets fridged in the beginning of the movie.

Well, that's too bad. You Berenstein Beared it! I am still tempted to find videos of all the awards possible and see if she did it to someone else. She's the greatest.