
No, that guy is right. Everything with the father is totally justified, and you're right the worst stuff is there, but there's a ton of "neutral" sexualizing of her as well. King's constantly talking about the young Beverly's nipples getting hard, and leering about her long "coltish" legs in her short shorts, etc. I

A month late, but just had to say this comment made me lol. That might make me a jerk, but that story's awesome.

Oh, yeah. The big climactic build-up in that song always takes all my attention so I forgot all about that part.

I forget about Strange Little Girls, but it definitely has some good songs on it. I like the version of Enjoy the Silence that makes it sound like a riff on Porphyria's Lover. Rattlesnakes, Real Men, and Raining Blood are all pretty good, and my favorite is Time. It has that really gorgeous, reassuring sound that some

Seriously. I don't get where that comes from, at all. Barely any of her songs EVER had fantasy connotations. No "Wood Nymph" would ever have released something like "Me and a Gun."

I loved Choirgirl, To Venus and Back, and Scarlet's Walk nearly as much as Little Earthquakes. Boys for Pele and Under the Pink seemed much more scattershot to me, but there were a handful of songs on each that I listened to a zillion times (Cloud on My Tongue, Baker Baker, Spacedog, Marianne, Father Lucifer, Hey

"Mother" remains very high on the list of my favorite songs of all time. I listened to that album hundreds of times in college (and that was in the mid 2000s!!). I don't recall Me and a Gun being about graveyards and vampires, I recall it being an extremely graphic description of a rape with no accompaniment. I had

Scarlet's Walk is one of her very best albums. It has a smoother sound to it with serious vocal overdubs, but it's a lot richer than the follow-ups, where her vocals sounded a lot wimpier. Songs like Carbon and Gold Dust are among her very best of all time, and practically everything else is at least decent. The

Try Code Red, or Winter's Carol, or Carbon, or Golddust, etcetcetc. I haven't listened to the last couple, but I'm guessing there's still some dark stuff.

Nice vague allusion minus any actual information?

The Office really lost it with them at some point in the later seasons, especially when they'd try and add drama to it (like, JIM WANTS TO GO START A SPORTS COMPANY, WILL HE DO IT AND BETRAY PAM?!?!?!?!) which was usually then just rapidly dismissed after many episodes of lead up. It was tiresome. I really stopped

I hate it. I'd probably rewatch either AVP movie over it. A big part of my hatred comes from how the entire film has that hideous yellowish sheen, making everyone look like a waterlogged corpse. Every single character just shrieking profanity at each other doesn't help, especially Winona Ryder, who's COMPLETELY out of

Which specials did you like? I heard a few of his old ones (Biggerer and Blackerer, Shut up you Fucking Baby, It's Not Funny), and from what I remember it was mostly that kind of political raging that's not really funny at all, it's just reinforcing your own point of view if you agree with him. I did enjoy the story

Yeah, his first two (My Name is Hannibal and Animal Furnace) are some of my all-time favorites, I've listened to them over and over. The third one is basically a bunch of "i'm so famous now" stories told with a totally different cadence from the first two. It's AWFUL.

After seeing Spectre, I almost think she had the better role in MI4!!!

I disagree with it in principle, but I guess they've been doing it to stunt people for many years now; no more quick cuts where you could see their face for two seconds (ala Joanna Cassidy's stuntwoman in Blade Runner).

Here's my driveby stupid comment regarding Freeway, which may also serve as a spoiler, though it's nowhere near the end:

I think one huge problem with that plan is that the "A-team" types probably are happier with their life, aka don't spend all of it on the internet, and thus have far less time to devote to shoring up internet holes than the furious people who have the time to find them.

So, I'm seeing reviews for this right and left, and have been seeing them sporadically since MAY 2016, and there's still absolutely no word when anyone in most of the country will have any chance to see the damn thing!!! I can't find any news anywhere about any planned VOD dates or anything like that. I've been

AND it was written by Junkie XL, not Zimmer!