
Yeah, the widescreen versions were awful. The show was shot for 4:3, so there are often shots that have crewmembers and equipment visible on the sides of the screen, and they are cropped lazily so important stuff gets lopped off the top or bottom depending on the shot. They're not really "remastered," it's not like

Planet of the Apes is about the only thing I can think of where most of the sequels were actually different and interesting (particularly #4), despite getting greenlighted for money reasons.

Wow, I'd forgotten about that acting group stuff. Definitely one of the best bits from the show's entire run. Especially when he whispers to the guy after being told he can't have a gun anymore.

It bugged me a little bit as well, but I couldn't really put my thumb on why. It felt cheap, or something. The more I thought about it, the more it fit thematically. I wasn't sure what they were hinting at it with, whether it was that Laura's chart said X-23 3, or whether it was the "they stopped doing the children

It's like…after whatever bullshit your theater plays after the trailers (ex, Marcus Theater founder telling you to turn your phones off, or whatever). Normally the movie would start at that point. This went there instead!

Yes, the ending was perfect. I assumed there was no post-credits scene and left. I also kinda thought "if there IS one, I don't want to see it!" Glad to hear there wasn't!

There are some comments below just like that :D

I think Wall-E is pretty incisive, too, considering the context.

The effects aren't really that bad apart from the terrible flashback to the war on mars, where it looks like a bunch of grasshoppers on sticks. The original miniseries strangely pulled that scene off better. The models of the dead aliens are pretty bad, too. I think the giant "devil" at the end holds up just fine

It's so infuriating to me, as a fairly huge film nerd. Every time an interesting non-mainstream or older film is written about, I see the comments adding up to about 30 total. Every time some huge pop cultural touchstone that has been done to death like, I dunno, Ghostbusters or Die Hard or something (NOTE: I also

Yeah, I never heard of it until this weekend when I saw the trailer at the theater. Of course, I also saw the trailer for Alien Covenant, and as a result I could barely tell you what happened in the Life trailer! I think something about muscle/brain cells growing into a monster on a space station.

I've had the same thoughts, unfortunately. It sounds like Paul Ryan wants to, so I guess we're halfway there!

Obviously. But when is he ever speaking for himself? He always talks about political stuff using terms like "us" and "we," and his crowds definitely skew younger than him and are the ones that react to everything. I feel like he's more trying to be a representative for every pissed-off person watching the show than

Don't get me wrong, I think the band is truly great and I like his presence. It just seems like Colbert is not used to having another dude interject anything into his monologues. Like, most of the time he seems to just kind of keep pushing past all those comments (like "cold bloodeeddddd") and try to ignore them.


Even at the time, everyone was constantly just being annoyed by the hypocrisy of Newt Gingrich and the loathsomeness of Ken Starr, which means I almost never heard anyone say a bad thing about Clinton!

This guy and Paul Ryan are terrible, but our governor, Scott Walker, is the worst of the lot. The damage done to our state since he took office is unbelievable, and thanks to his new voting rights policies and gerrymandering, no end is in sight. I am glad events like this help to shine a light on the atrocities of

Well, unless they're rich, it's going to get really bad for them too when medicare and SS end up getting gutted. To say nothing of if they're lower class and depend on Obamacare. And that all just assumes they don't care about anyone other than themselves! Their kids will have garbage education and the same

I think they're just working really hard to get there to be some chemistry there. It was even more awkward in the first couple of weeks where Colbert totally ignored him and he was silent. It's still practically Peep Show-level cringe whenever he talks and Colbert ignores him without looking at him, but they're

Seriously. I stayed over at a friend's house last weekend, and was woken up when they turned on Hulu and brought up Jimmy Fallon. It shocked me how much that made me question why I was friends with them!! I discovered that I subconsciously must lump that right in with finding out they voted for Trump.