I'd like to submit my public support for your use of "The dishes are done, man" in this context.
I'd like to submit my public support for your use of "The dishes are done, man" in this context.
Camping one.
Nooooo! Me too! High-five! Sorry Timbers fans... ties are unamerican and I need fat men colliding into each other head first in my football.
I like my firearms, and my husband actually works for a gun store, but I agree that kids, at least at a certain age, need to be taught even fake shooting is absolutely wrong.
Maybe try and find a gun safety movie for him to watch? Something that will express in no uncertain terms that guns and shooting are not games,…
I have a three-year-old and he has not dealt with bullying, at least not serious enough that I've heard about it. Peer groups are tough, man. I knew it would be the thorn in my child rearing. My biggest beef is the fucking gun thing. To start, I hate guns. And yet, my son comes home from school mock-shooting with…
I had an Ava, Eva, (pronounced eee-vah) Eva (pronounced ehv-ah) and Ivah in the same class. I was constantly saying there names wrong and they used to get seriously attitude-y with me about it. I was like "come ooooooooooonnnnn girls! Cut me some slack!"
Do Swiss Chard and Collared Greens go there too?
Yes, that's me. Since I travel incognito on the Gawker sites and post scandalous stuff about sex and cute celebrities and stuff, I like to be anonymous. The secret is out! I'll have to clean up my act now? Or not.
I love this, I love this, I LOVE THIS! I still tell my daughter that when I grow up, I want to be a defensive coordinator for an SEC football program. I know it won't happen for me, but little steps like this give me hope that one day before I'm dead I might see a woman on the sidelines, calling the defensive plays…
Hooray! It's gridirongirl.org. I write for the blog but the owner/editrix is someone else. Please check it out! There are writers for tons of colleges. If your school isn't represented, and you'd like to contribute, let me know! Our only pay is the satisfaction from having perhaps dozens of people read your words.
As a ladyperson who LOVES college football, I'm super psyched about this! I write for a football blog aimed at other ladypersons, so I'm totally doing a post about this. With a h/t to Jezebel!
You know what would be great? If Jezebel.com would interview her about her work. It's not as big a platform as the Today Show, but since we're all sitting here griping about how she got conned out of her chance to tell a broad audience about her nonprofit...
Now I got Meat Loaf stuck in my brain. GOOD. JOB.
The war of vaginal aggression?
How many of Jenny McCarthy's "Native American" followers are white folks with a Navajo Princess great great great great great great great grandmother?
Seriously. Caillou needs to Shut The STFU Up.
Every time I see PP protesters, I donate to Planned Parenthood. $1 per protester, doubled if they are all white men. Signs are $.50/ per bloody fetus doubled if within spitting distance from playground, preschool or elementary school.
Learned this from a Jezebel commenter.
I'm a clinic escort, and I can tell you that all the people who actively protest (as opposed to those who gather to pray, but don't otherwise try to harass or engage with patients) at my clinic are equally bananas.
My name is Hebrew and I never once had another kid in my class with the same name. Ugh. And it's a fairly common name outside of the US! My parents saddled me with a tough first and last name so if anyone ever actually spelled or pronounced it correctly on the first try I might die of shock.