Cajun Clearwater

You (the AV Club writers and staff) don't know me, because I'm a random guy who lives across the world from you and works in an unrelated profession. I mention that because despite this enormous gap in our social worlds, I spent a ton of time goofing off on your site for the last 10 years or so. The comments section

My point is you can't engage this enemy with reasoned dialogue. I don't mean to imply we should jump straight to violence, but giving this guy a platform on TV accomplishes nothing, and Maher's argument is self-serving bullshit.

Sure, you're a liberal guy. Anyway, you know our country used to "engage" this particular enemy (the Nazis) by shooting them dead, right?

Just maybe, Congressional Democrats realize by now that appeasement and compromise will get them nowhere. They're slow learners, but if they've figured out this has to be fought like a war, then we have reason for hope.

TBF, that was the guy's real name.

RIP Matt Roberts. Me and teenage me disagree about your band, but we both think 38 is too young.

Too true. For family-related reasons, I'm already planning for a move to another country for a few years. If Trump wins it's no escape, and my non-American friends overseas know it too. No matter how far, there is no country on Earth that isn't affected by an unstable USA.

Who's voting for Trump? My dad. Your dad. All the dads.

AV Club editors, you can take this article, and stick it up your YEAH
stick it up your YEAH
stick it up your YEAH
stick it up your YEAH

Bullshit. I was the target demo for this genre, and I know the music pretty well. You won't find another band that stands up to scrutiny as poorly as Limp Bizkit. The writer mentions Sevendust and Kittie. Listen to them again, and compare to anything Fred Durst ever made. Other nu metal bands may not be high art, but

Colorado Springs - nature at its most beautiful, humanity at its (9th) rudest.

I was in that category (though not in Florida), and I think I can explain it to a degree. Like Jay S said, I was raised to believe Democrats - not just their politicians, but their voters - were evil, and to vote for Gore was a type of treason. I was 18 and still figuring things out, and I wasn't capable yet of making

Very sad upvote.

Re: Spiner, also some live-action tv guest roles (including Alphas, which I miss) and a lot of voice work.

Looks like we have a pretty good hijacking of the Step Up article below this one, if we want to reserve this one for obit-related stuff.

I read that book and some other similar ones when I was doing some writing projects. (I wrote 2 screenplays that I suspected would never get bought, and lo and behold, I was right. Still glad I wrote them.) Reading them again after a few years, it really struck me how similar certain elements were to the genre films

Kidding aside, I take comfort in the belief that the "burn it all down for the lulz" voting bloc is too small to swing this election for Trump.

The simplest explanation is that a lot of people are riled up, and a handful to the point of violence. It doesn't require a conspiracy by either side to make that the case. Don't get me wrong, Trump would do that kind of thing, but there's no evidence he did this in particular.

Trolls gonna troll

Trump does all his own raping.